Dan Spitz

MetalAges said:
Some of you guys just crack me up.

Any of you guys slagging on Spitz I want you to post some of your own original music right now, rhytms or solos. If you're going to slag other players the least you can do is put your balls out there and let's see what you got.

Spitz was a good guitar player, and more importantly, had an original style. No he isn't a Malmsteen, Gilbert or whatever "guitar god" you want to throw out there. So!? I could name coutless great guitar players that didn't fall into that league of players. Comparing guitarists is fine to a degree but when you start with the "oh well so and so is better than so and so" that just gets so childish its laughable. There's more to a player than speed and popularity. I could hear a Spitz solo back in the day and most of the time recognize it as HIS, THAT says something.

Couldn't have said it better myself.:worship:
MetalAges said:
Some of you guys just crack me up.

Any of you guys slagging on Spitz I want you to post some of your own original music right now, rhytms or solos. If you're going to slag other players the least you can do is put your balls out there and let's see what you got.

Spitz was a good guitar player, and more importantly, had an original style. No he isn't a Malmsteen, Gilbert or whatever "guitar god" you want to throw out there. So!? I could name coutless great guitar players that didn't fall into that league of players. Comparing guitarists is fine to a degree but when you start with the "oh well so and so is better than so and so" that just gets so childish its laughable. There's more to a player than speed and popularity. I could hear a Spitz solo back in the day and most of the time recognize it as HIS, THAT says something.

If you took note.

I said he did not come under a great player...Hes Average.

Hardly Childish at 33.....I was advising people to listen to these guys then you would realise he isnt anymore than a Decent Average Lead Player.

And when since did spitz write every Anthrax Riff or Solo???

Charlie Benante And Scott Ian came up with most the riffs .

Granted......Most the people calling him may not be as good as Dan.

But I would like to see him come and run my business for a few months.

Thats his proffession!!!

If I did a poor job for him ...hes welcome to comment on me too!!!

But the whole worlds about opinions and this is a message board where I thought you were allowed to Air them!!!

They Have wrote some of the best music since he left!!!
Opinions are one thing, insults are another.

Check your notes bud, I never said jack about Spitz writing riffs, I referred to solos only and no I am sure he dd not come up with EVERY one but a fair amount of them yes. So what if he is average when comparedto those guys you mentioned, MOST players would be average compared to those guys! I could sit here and come up with comparisons all day that made other players look "average" but as I said before, comparing guitar players most times is like comparing apples and oranges.

Send Spitz your address.
MetalAges said:
Opinions are one thing, insults are another.

Check your notes bud, I never said jack about Spitz writing riffs, I referred to solos only and no I am sure he dd not come up with EVERY one but a fair amount of them yes. So what if he is average when comparedto those guys you mentioned, MOST players would be average compared to those guys! I could sit here and come up with comparisons all day that made other players look "average" but as I said before, comparing guitar players most times is like comparing apples and oranges.

Send Spitz your address.

Whats A Rhythm Then ?????? Check Your own Notes :loco:

You said Rhytm or solos ???? Its up there in your words mate!!
MetalAges said:
Some of you guys just crack me up.

Any of you guys slagging on Spitz I want you to post some of your own original music right now, rhytms or solos. If you're going to slag other players the least you can do is put your balls out there and let's see what you got.

Spitz was a good guitar player, and more importantly, had an original style. No he isn't a Malmsteen, Gilbert or whatever "guitar god" you want to throw out there. So!? I could name coutless great guitar players that didn't fall into that league of players. Comparing guitarists is fine to a degree but when you start with the "oh well so and so is better than so and so" that just gets so childish its laughable. There's more to a player than speed and popularity. I could hear a Spitz solo back in the day and most of the time recognize it as HIS, THAT says something.

Just though I would move it down here so you could check your notes easier :D
I was talking to the PLAYERS who were SLAGGING him, saying they could post EITHER but not that SPITZ wrote RIFFS. I figured I would give the potential posters a choice for people to hear, either their rhythms or solos.
MetalAges said:
Some of you guys just crack me up.

Any of you guys slagging on Spitz I want you to post some of your own original music right now, rhytms or solos. If you're going to slag other players the least you can do is put your balls out there and let's see what you got.

Spitz was a good guitar player, and more importantly, had an original style. No he isn't a Malmsteen, Gilbert or whatever "guitar god" you want to throw out there. So!? I could name coutless great guitar players that didn't fall into that league of players. Comparing guitarists is fine to a degree but when you start with the "oh well so and so is better than so and so" that just gets so childish its laughable. There's more to a player than speed and popularity. I could hear a Spitz solo back in the day and most of the time recognize it as HIS, THAT says something.

Just thought I would move your notes down here. So you find them easier to check :D
That has to do with band popularity

True, and name recognition and back then (I am thinking 87) Dave Mustaine and Megadeth were a bigger name than Danny Spitz

now, do I think Danny is a guitar god? No, hes very good at what he does, he has or had h8is own style and sound. Was he technically perfect? No he wasn't but when you heard him play you knew it was Danny Spitz
DeathsHead said:
True, and name recognition and back then (I am thinking 87) Dave Mustaine and Megadeth were a bigger name than Danny Spitz

now, do I think Danny is a guitar god? No, hes very good at what he does, he has or had h8is own style and sound. Was he technically perfect? No he wasn't but when you heard him play you knew it was Danny Spitz

I agree. I could/can always recognize a Danny Spitz guitar solo. He may not be the most technical shredder in the world, but he has a recognizable style, which imo is more important than just technical ability alone.
Hey Buzzard---why are you checking out the Thrax board?

Almost everyone in the music industry is arrogant--especially guitar players. And so what if he is (or was--not sure) an agent of god, thats a personal choice and has no bearing on his music or playing ability
DeathsHead said:
True, and name recognition and back then (I am thinking 87) Dave Mustaine and Megadeth were a bigger name than Danny Spitz

now, do I think Danny is a guitar god? No, hes very good at what he does, he has or had h8is own style and sound. Was he technically perfect? No he wasn't but when you heard him play you knew it was Danny Spitz

That would be incorrect.

As Anthrax were Just finishing a very Successfull Among The Living Tour and Megadeth had not even released So Far So Good So what.
Anthrax were definately more popular in 1987.

It wasnt until the whole Tour of So Far...that megadeth were bigger and the fact Anthrax Released State of Euphoria next that helped the fact.

And you woill find on So Far...... Dave had Jackson Sponsorship 2.

Cant believe im even going into this.

I was and still am a massive fan of both. Ive travelled abroad to see both bands from day 1.....

Just not a fan of whats happening....But I will still go as I already have my ticket and will be travelling to Scotland to see them.

One thing I wasnt a fan of........And this is food for thought......... Tickets for this Tour went on sale before the definate announcement of the line up.....and Before the website re-opened............... Just ask why????

Cos Fans like me buy there tickets as soon as they can....and you dont want to effect ticket sales......And by looking at this site the re do of this line up is in the minority.

Lets Hope im wrong when they hit the stage.........But I prefer my Memories of the Eighties, The Good Days........Cos when I saw them on the P.O.T. Tour they were poor!!

And every Time with Bush Has been Fantastic since....If not getting better everytime.

Sorry if I have been a pain airing my views and just joining to do this. But Just felt a sort of pissed off anger I needed to vent.

And Kid Yourself if you think im in the minority........At the moment...Anyway!!!!

Good Luck Guys !!!!

Ulster Mosher said:
Puhlease. Dan pisses all over Dave Wankstaine.

You might not like the music....But Im sorry.....Not even in the same league as a Player.

Listen to how cheap his solos are on something like P.O.T. they are so way just full of hazy effects and so down in the mix.....Cos you just want them to blend in safely.
He might be good lead guitarist at his best. Paul Crook kicked his ass in each and every solo. But his famous 20 Questions tell me that he should have spent (or should spent) some time in mental institution. Good luck to Scott in the same tour bus with Spitz, let´s see the "magic" and "chemistry".
johnnieCzech said:
He might be good lead guitarist at his best. Paul Crook kicked his ass in each and every solo. But his famous 20 Questions tell me that he should have spent (or should spent) some time in mental institution. Good luck to Scott in the same tour bus with Spitz, let´s see the "magic" and "chemistry".

Your Right there!!!

I forgot about that article.

Anybody who hasnt seen that 20 questions. you have to goto Metalsludge.com and see 20 questions with Dan Spitz.......Hes off his rocker...plus its interesting how much he slags the band off.

It is a couple or so years old...But worth a read.