Daniel Joins the metalcore ranks


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
Unrest..I knew there was a problem when I heard the name


You think these people would know the fad is so over-saturated already that no one cares at all anymore. At least I would think so..

Although Daniel should do what he wants he can certainly do much better than this shite for a side project.

Lastly why do these bands all have to start the song of with, GO! Can't they just count in? Or at least think of a new world like rock'n'roll!
Woooooowwwww. Nothing personal to Daniel...but this is just done....overdone by too many bands these days. The whole Unearth/KSE/Trivium/hot topic genre is just horrid and I don't get how people can listen to it. I just think...why listen to bands that take the sound of better bands from back in the day...water it down, take out the actual good riffs and just add in boring, meaningless, pathless riffs that go no where.

Honestly...a waste of Daniel's talent...Once again not an attack at you Daniel...but I know you can find a better band to play in...but I respect that you like what you like, and you will certainly do what you want to do.

Just my internet warrior opinion!
Sometimes you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. You know what I'm saying? Cuz I sure don't..
I listened to the samples, and I've got to say that it really isn't my thing. To be fair though, I do enjoy Killswitch Engage and don't understand why everyone seems to hate them so much. I don't really like metalcore, but I've always made an exception for KSE.
um... it's not bad. Especially the drums are quite nice, surprise there... but apart from that... well, no. Especially the vocalist gets on my nerves. And that means somehting because I actaully like Anders Friden so I think I have some tolerance there.
I do enjoy Killswitch Engage and don't understand why everyone seems to hate them so much.

All they are is Gothenburg rip offs with the cheesiest breakdowns and don't let me start on the singer...

And they raped Holy Diver...that's answer enough right there :)
Average metalcore.There are too many bands like that nowadays.But again I have to say that it's not bad.Especially the song Driven Into Oceans has a catchy chorus.Some parts reminded me of In Flames as all the metalcore bands rip their old shit off.
I say screw the haters Daniel, do your thing :)
I have total respect of people who dares to not give a fsck what people think and do what they think is fun,
be it pop/hip hop/*core or whatever... it´s those people who starts new things.
I say screw the haters Daniel, do your thing :)
I have total respect of people who dares to not give a fsck what people think and do what they think is fun,
be it pop/hip hop/*core or whatever... it´s those people who starts new things.

I say do your own thing as long as it has some real quality.

Be it pop/hip hop/ rock or whatever.