very much so.Hasn't anyone noticed that Daniel looks cross eyed in the photo that they're using?
If you're 555 then I'm 666.
kind of lacking respect
It has nothing to do with respect. Honest opinions > Anyones distorted definition of respect.
No shit, sherlock.
I think we've done this before, but anyway... WHO'S 777?!
I'd say it's just blunt honest opinions. It's one thing if it's a death metal band like bloodbath, which isn't my thing, but this is just the kinda thing I have a hard time not speaking out about. I mean in the end Daniel should do whatever the hell he wants, but all music comes with its fair share of criticism, and especially this type of music considering his background is to be expected.
It has nothing to do with respect. Honest opinions > Anyones distorted definition of respect.