Dan's Work on the New Project Hate Album

It leaked. I got it.

This album is UNBELIEVABLE.

Dan did a truly amazing job with the mixing/production. Not to mention the whole CD is great. I'm buying it once it comes out.
Sounds interesting. I purchased the first album, at least I think it was first. I believe it's called Cyber Sonic Super Christ - or something equally ridiculous. It's the one with "Swarming of whores" and "Divine burning of Angels" on it. I thought the first three tracks of that album were fun and a good listen, after that it got very boring and predictable. You could tell Dan produced it, but that couldn't save it. I had forgotten about them.

I'll definitely give this one a fair listen, based on what I've read here. =) Is this the second CD from the band? Third? What are the best tracks that I should sample?
I went to their site and DLed a few of the samples. That full length track mylovedenied mentioned is actually a techno remix of the song "At the Entrance..." - not the original. The samples are ok, but my first thoughts are of memories of this chick's voice just irritating the shit out of me. I think that trick where bands alternate evil guy/euphoric chick vocals is trite and strikes me as lame. I won't judge too quickly based on minute-long samples though, maybe I'd like it if I heard the full tracks. I couldn't find any on limewire, I'll keep looking. =)