Dare I? Look Inside!


Stop scopies me
Nov 17, 2005
Baker City, Oregon
Well, my band Neurotic Regression's CD is complete and I thought I'd share. I usually get bypassed by the people here and I usually get a lot of flack for my vocals (I'm a drummer and vocals are still new to me) but here is my entire CD available here.

Welcome to my homepage!

Please, honest opinions. If you don't like it, say so and don't beat around the bush.

I'm sure that "SOME" people here can appreciate the effort atleast. It's not perfect and it's not meant to be either.
working on a song. shall listen tomorrow. the general rule of song posting is: within 24 hours, everyone that frequents the board would have cycled through at least twice. so, after that 24 hour point, you should start to worry :tickled:
:lol: Thanks for the heads-up. And actually, I'm quite surprised to see YOU posting in this thread. I haven't had very much success posting my band's originals here in the past but I figured "SOMEONE" will like it even if it is just a little bit.
Yeah, I've actually been meaning to listen to the stuff. When I was to listen the previous times, I either got side tracked, or the thread disappeared on previous pages and I forgot about it.

I'll make it a thing to listen tomorrow, though.
Well, atleast I know you were "meaning" to listen. :tickled:

I actually think you may enjoy it somewhat. I definitely need to work on my vocals but, again, I'm mainly the drummer and have really been working on my vocals. It is VERY apparent on Salvation's End (which is the first song I recorded on vocals) compared to say...Martyr or The Suffering or even Immortal and Flesh of the Many(which were the last 4 I recorded).

I'll put the link along with this thread in my signature. That way, if you don't find this thread, you can find my username and check it out.
just listed to uncertainty 62, salvations end, and revelations 40

songs were decent, I was waiting for something to happen, it just didn't sound like the songs had a very defined place they were going (which I don't necessarily think is bad for more atmospheric music, just every once in a while was thinking "when is the song going to build?") At the end of Revelations however, I was very pleased. I think that of the things I listened to the last part of the Revelations I could listen to a number of times. I enjoyed listening to Salvations end for the most part and will probably listen to other songs when I get free time.

sound wise: On Revelations the kick at the beginning had too much click thus making it sound a little fake. since the beginning is slower and more brooding I would recomend going for more of a low end kick to complement the slow moving chords and pads.

On Certainty the snare was aweful, sorry man, but it sounded like the snare on St. Anger aka someone hitting a metal chair. It was so distracting that while the song was ok I wouldn't listen to the song again. I didn't think the vocals were too bad. I prefer to hear the words from a vocalist and even though you had the growl going I still knew what you were saying. I would seriously consider either totally replacing the snare on the track or some major eq though before releasing the album.

On Salvations End I liked the chorus vocals, I think they were one of the stongest parts of the track. The rhythm guitars were slightly too high end fizzy for my taste, but they weren't bad enough to turn me away from song.

Good luck with with the band and don't beat yourself up over the vocals. They are much better that alot of bands that I mix for.
Wow, awesome!! Thanks for the comments. I'll go ahead and give you a little backstory behind the snare. I was NEVER satisfied with how it sounded. Believe me when I say the drums sound different ON EVERY SINGLE RECORDING. One minute I would like something and then I would start to notice different.

I agree with the St. Anger reference. :oops: Again, I was "uncertain" about my sound.

However, in a month I'm getting a new Pearl Reference 14x6.5 snare and I'm definitely going to get my SOUND first and foremost before I even think about recording again.

Again, thanks for the criticism.

By the way, the numbers at the end of the song names aren't part of the actual song name. Ha ha. For some reason putfile puts those numbers there.
Well, my band Neurotic Regression's CD is complete and I thought I'd share. I usually get bypassed by the people here and I usually get a lot of flack for my vocals (I'm a drummer and vocals are still new to me) but here is my entire CD available here.Welcome to my homepage!Please, honest opinions. If you don't like it, say so and don't beat around the bush. I'm sure that "SOME" people here can appreciate the effort atleast. It's not perfect and it's not meant to be either.

in my experience, people are totally visually oriented
so my idea
is to get a cheap digital cam and make your own music vids for each individual song, doesn't have to cost money or even look like it did, just go out into public places and film, and make all the music videos yourself totally seperate from what the record companies want your vids to look like, the record company will totally screw you if you give them a chance, and post your vids on youtube, seriously getting music vids on youtube is going to get more people hearing your music than just audio files, even if the music video looks like crap
I figured Salvation's End would be the LEAST liked because of it's continuous repetition, which we do in a few songs but not to that degree. Thanks for the comments though. Nevermore and Opeth? :headbang:
actually when i heard the bassier slower parts to salvations end i kept picturing alice in chains especially with the vocal harmonies.

very cool stuff
Revelations - Fun! Dark, heavy... missing something... probably vocals. Maybe that's just me, though.

Myrmidon - Surprising. Short, to the point.. vocals surprised me. Not bad!

Madness Redefined - Really cool intro and vocal harmonies... kicks in... very nice. This is definitely my favorite track so far. Many parts in this song had me grooving around in my chair. Nicely done.

Uncertainty - Nothing really I can comment on with this song... Good song... hmm... A slightly different vocal approach was taken for a few lines, didn't like it tooo much. It was a more screamy version of the usual thing you were doing. Whatev'!

Martyr - Hmm cool.. A change from how the songs WERE going. More brutal.. Nice

Salvations End - hehehe nice bass lead in the intro.... cool vocal harmonies.... oooo heavier... I like what you do with the bass at the end of one of the riff cycles... the uh... VROOO VROO thing. I guess you're sliding up and down the neck. This is battling with 'Madness Redefined' for my favorite thus far...... song is near the end... yeah, this is now my favorite.

Neurotic Regression - Ballsy. When the clean vocals come in, I didn't like it as much as before, but it grew on me by time they hit the second time. hehehe... you change for a syllable from the lower growls to a higher. that sounded good. I'd like to hear more of that... at this point, the vocals are getting a little monotonous. Don't fix what's not broken, though... Just try to add a few more higher growls in there.

Immortal - Cool, another change from what would be expected from the start. Goes into a familiar style riff from what has been cycling through these songs, then changes it up a little bit again. I'm a big fan of pauses, back into a bang of music. Very nice.

Flesh of the Many - Intro makes me feel like I'm getting ready for some demented Christmas song with the bell sound. Aww yeah. Almost instantly, this song turns into a possible favorite.. Hoping it stays at this pace with the groove. Layne Staley much? cool. Atmospheric... groovy... smooth transitions. Yeah, this may be my favorite now. Nice placement of the revisiting of that bell. For whatever reason, that line "there's nothing I can do." is haunting me. not in a good way. hmm oh well. the performance of the instruments/vocals on this is enough for me to forgive that line :D I feel that the song could be expanded on a little, making it a little more epic. I don't feel any closure after the ending.

The Suffering - Cool, another slower tune. I like echo that was added matches with the guitar riff. mmm. Did I just hear "incubation"? If so, good job throwing that in there :tickled: mmmmmm violin sounds

Be honored. I usually don't listen to full cds all the way through. Very nice job on this, for the most part. Could use a few more higher growls like you displayed for like... one syllable. You have some really cool ideas, and it's definitely better than most of the things people post here. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, it isn't something that is new to me. I've heard stuff like this before, but you definitely nailed what you were (presumeably) going for.
Wow. That was the most honest review I've ever read from anybody. Thank you very much for actually taking the time to do that. In response to the higher growls, it's still just a little hard for me to hit that (that last "IMMORTAL" on the song of the same name was HARD) note but I'm definitely working on it. Again, I'm a drummer so vocals are not by any means my main instrument.

But anyway, thanks a lot for your constructive criticism. We're going to try and get more experimental with our next effort utilizing more tempo and time signature changes.