"Dark" Childrens movies.


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
I'm not one of those people who bitches about what kids should and shouldn't do; I have my own reasons for this, but I mainly chalk it up to me not being as asshole.

Anyway, I'm looking for children's shows and movies that had an underlying message to them. Not the gay sexual crap that was rampant in Disney's early 90's stuff, but themes such as the nature of reality and the actual place of humans in the cosmos.

The most recent thing I found was a 1985 movie called The Adventures of Mark Twain:

Obviously, many children won't get the underlying theme of what the antagonist is saying in this slice of the movie, but older people will (if they at least know a little about Mark Twain's later life). So please, give me some friggen recs, I'm dying to know what other gems are out there: whether it be cartoon shows or movies - just link them!

Edit: Also link some videos you think are just damned terrifying or flat out cool (ex: Lustmord Videos (check there myspace for examples, there aren't any located on youtube).
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The Dark Crystal :kickass:! After I bought it on dvd a couple years ago, they came out with a special edition....pissed me right off!
I just saw this. Yes, it is a little disturbing and if I had kids I probably would not feel comfortable letting them watch it.
O____O holy crap, that Mark Twain movie made me shiver. eh...

i don't think i have the guts to watch the dark crystal clip...

I'll tell you what'll fuck children up... The Dark Crystal:

1:18 and right after is so hilarious

3 words: Holy Fucking Shit.

Seriously why do children watch that.
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