Dark Funeral

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
What are Dark Funeral like as black metal goes?

I've seen lots of their t shirts worn by other bands and stuff, but I've also heard negative comments that they're not really much good compared to other black metal.

I like the song "Arrival of Satan's Empire" (silly though it may be), but that was the first song I'd heard by them. All the others sound pretty much the same.
Monotonous. Although their logo is pretty killer.

I love this band. they put on one of the most awesome live performances i've seen, and though they may not have evolved too much over the years, their brutal, satanic black metal with Emperor Caligula's downright demonic vocals is soemthing I can love for eternity
The Swedes just can't play black metal. Maybe it's genetic or something. (OK, Dissection is probably the exception that makes the rule; then again, they're not purebred black metal.)
They aren't bad...repetitive (large portions of "The Secrets Of The Black Arts" and "Vobiscum Satanas" sound the same), but they're fun to listen to now and again.

I will say that Emperor Magus Caligula has a badass scream.

Interestingly enough...well, I find it interesting...we were invited to play with them (a show, damn it!) in Mexico this past weekend (2/14/04), but we had to turn it down because we were asked 5 days before hand.
Dark Funeral is boring beyond belief. They adhere to the "blast all the time while I tremelo pick and sing wonderfully original lyrics about satan" concepts, shared by the likes of Marduk and Setherial. They've essentially released the same album about 4 times with different names. Their songs are quite retarded structurally, comprising of the exact same patterns every song.
King Fear said:
Sorath: since you're right (that's exactly what I do), please list some bands you consider worth checking out.
Arckanum, Bathory, Craft, Dödfödd, Funeral Mist, Leviathan, Malign, Nifelheim, Nåstrond, Ondskapt, Shining, Watain...