Dark Tranquillity finishes shaving their balls

awww, don't do that.

Here's my first draft of the DT artwork. I think Nik Sundin will be able to use it as a template, and like, basically trace it... so this is what the finished artwork will probably be. I won't demand anything... except a load of cash for my efforts and creativity!

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I must apologize to all Dark Tranquillity fans. I wasn't trying to make fun of them. I like Dark Tranquillity a lot too. The thing is, I'm BIPOLAR, and I read a lot of news reports everyday, and it drives me crazy. So when I came across "Dark Tranquillity finishes their new album", I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if the story read 'Dark Tranquillity finishes shaving their balls'"? And I got a little laugh out of myself and decided to share it with everyone. I'm sorry, I'm bipolar, and crazy, so there you go.


N.P. The Hellacopters - Like No Other Man
It's also in his Myspace blog. :rolleyes:
I must apologize to all Dark Tranquillity fans. I wasn't trying to make fun of them. I like Dark Tranquillity a lot too. The thing is, I'm BIPOLAR, and I read a lot of news reports everyday, and it drives me crazy. So when I came across "Dark Tranquillity finishes their new album", I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if the story read 'Dark Tranquillity finishes shaving their balls'"? And I got a little laugh out of myself and decided to share it with everyone. I'm sorry, I'm bipolar, and crazy, so there you go.


N.P. The Hellacopters - Like No Other Man
I don't think there's any need to apologise in all honesty. You delivered the new news in a fairly funny way. Better than just posting the update anyway. Shame people gotta be so uptight and dramatic about such trivial things.
KC, that was pure gold.

Ok, who wants to post up all the 'DT Cover Art that Never Would Be' pictures? I know someone has them all...

And I seriously think that picking InsignifiCunt would be one of the most priceless moments in metal history.

@KC: Please do a cover for InsignifiCunt. That would be priceless.
(And now i really do hope the album will be called that.)
^ Well as joking matters it'd be quite funny, but I'd hate to see the new album would be called like that. Heck, they staed it was a joke and no song was called that way, fucking obsession with that name.

@ KC: Haha the cover of BAH is halarious!!! :kickass: BUT, the one of "Where (NOT when) Death Is Most Alive" is not that good IMO. Though I can't wait for one of the fictitious "Insignificunt."

@Evil Vince: Well I do know I take some things too seriously, but still, posting that @ the Amon Amrth thread is just plain :Spam: (and in your blog jeezz).

PS: Anglorfin is a jerk.