Dark Tranquillity Kicks Paris' @$$€$

bien fait, paris cetait surment superbe

oh yeah cool pics(some made with smugged lenses :D?
and nice setlist

by the way another question, do DT have a new backdrop?
the letters seem to be different than the last one of the DD-Tour
sad that I cant see them because Im working when they come near my town
and during the summer-breeze-dates in august my sister will have her marriage ahrhhrhrakfnaklfnakldnalskdklasIHATETHISaslödjaslödjalösdIWANNASEEDTlkasklasa
For some reason, I thought the subject was about Paris Hilton. And thinking "that isn't very nice".

@solefald: tell your sister to get married at the concert. Even better set up an arranged marriage with one of the band members. :D
solefald said:
and during the summer-breeze-dates in august my sister will have her marriage ahrhhrhrakfnaklfnakldnalskdklasIHATETHISaslödjaslödjalösdIWANNASEEDTlkasklasa
she has to get married later! tell her ;)

mousewings: you little pervert! ;)
what is so perverted about that. The band member has a stable job and is liked by the family. I'd go for an arranged marriage with one of the band members. :D

Um, yeah...
mousewings said:
what is so perverted about that. The band member has a stable job and is liked by the family. I'd go for an arranged marriage with one of the band members. :D

haha imaging my sister`s husband is niklas or mikael
haha that would be cool
I would always hang around with him or the band and hear their new music years before release of their albums :headbang:
I dont know her boyfriend yet, seems Im gonna meet him first time for the marriage(not good) in berlin in august. but she told me his a musician or something like that, must check out if he plays cool stuff ( and if he likes DT)

these 2 are standing between the buried and me. I mean between Dark Tranquillity and me