Dark Tranquillity- Skydancer

Jul 21, 2003
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Dark Tranquillity is hailed (or derided, as the case may be) as one of the founder's of the "Gothenburg" style of metal. Unfortunately, this distinction could best be described as "dubious," given the virtually unremitting homoeroticism the Gothenburg scene has been responsible for over the years (In Flames, Soilwork, Arch Enemy etc.). Even with that in mind, "Skydancer" remains an excellent if not entirely timeless release.

Unabashedly and overtly influenced by Iron Maiden, "Skydancer" manages to skirt the shoals that sunk other bands plying the same creative waters, avoiding the noodly pretentiousness of Dissection and the slavish imitation of In Flames to craft thoughfully composed melodic death metal that is at once anthemic and compositionally sophisticated. Songs are constructed from waves of simple tremolo melodies and hypnotically rhythmic harmonic leads flowing obliquely to points of subtle tension and release, elegant in their effortless balance. Highly literate and possessed of a pagan folk sensibility that calls to mind Burzum or Graveland (though nothing like either band). Some cheeseball elements (including some rather poorly executed female vocals on a couple of songs), but generally dramatic rather than merely melodramatic, and despite the copious Maidenisms, an album that stands well on its own merits.

Thats a well written review, but unfortunately it's a bit like an american defence lawyers summation of how their guilty client is innocent.

While the technical brilliance shines like a pearl thats about all it has going for it, there is no depth to the music because often the riffs (good as each one is) bear only a passing relevance to their predecessors (like the band Athiest). And sometimes the technical aspects of the music makes a meal out of itself when a straight 4/4 would've worked better.

I have nothing against Dark Tranquility, I just think they are a band who got better with each release.

I'll probably regret this post when I've listened to the album again. :S