OfFender stalking shadows ahead Dec 6, 2003 18 1 3 34 Montreal Dec 9, 2003 #21 Still Moving Sinews. Thank god no one voted for Nether Novas. That song rules.
MagSec4 .:..::.: :.::..:. Jan 14, 2003 5,107 99 48 42 Bogotá & New york Dec 10, 2003 #22 I've never really cared to participate in these set of polls where there're a few dozen songs left AFTER a song like Therein got eliminated... That never made any sense to me.. You all suck!
I've never really cared to participate in these set of polls where there're a few dozen songs left AFTER a song like Therein got eliminated... That never made any sense to me.. You all suck!
no country for old wainds Active Member Nov 23, 2002 26,755 9,717 113 Dec 10, 2003 #23 *agrees* ThereIn is better than most of the songs that are left.
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Dec 10, 2003 #24 ThereIn is weird. Everybody either loves it or hates it. Im in category #1 though
D Delirious ensammast i sverige. Apr 22, 2002 1,065 12 38 41 Visit site Dec 10, 2003 #25 @Villain: oh, I sure did. good thing you pointed it out. sounds like a good idea to me, at least it´ll make things a little easier I guess. @rahvin: there´s nothing said about all three at the same time, mind you. :Spin: ...and the rest of you, stop voting for still moving sinews
@Villain: oh, I sure did. good thing you pointed it out. sounds like a good idea to me, at least it´ll make things a little easier I guess. @rahvin: there´s nothing said about all three at the same time, mind you. :Spin: ...and the rest of you, stop voting for still moving sinews
rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city Dec 10, 2003 #26 Delirious said: ...and the rest of you, stop voting for still moving sinews Click to expand... delirious forgot to say: otherwise i'll ban you. maybe 'cause he can't. :Spin:
Delirious said: ...and the rest of you, stop voting for still moving sinews Click to expand... delirious forgot to say: otherwise i'll ban you. maybe 'cause he can't. :Spin:
Hiljainen why can't we not be sober May 5, 2002 4,916 138 63 39 In the silly halls of none Visit site Dec 14, 2003 #27 Dobermann again
Child of Time Voice of reason Feb 1, 2002 1,819 14 38 40 Gothenburg, Sweden Visit site Dec 15, 2003 #28 I can't understand how anyone possibly can vote for a song from "The Mind's I" at all in these polls! It is THE Dark Tranquillity album!
I can't understand how anyone possibly can vote for a song from "The Mind's I" at all in these polls! It is THE Dark Tranquillity album!
Villain Doctor BenQuillity May 7, 2001 2,782 63 48 45 Finland Visit site Dec 16, 2003 #29 Child of Time said: I can't understand how anyone possibly can vote for a song from "The Mind's I" at all in these polls! Click to expand... A can understand that pretty well - what I cannot understand is how someone can possibly vote against Still Moving Sinews, one of the best songs from TMI. -Villain (with a two-day hangover after two days of drinking; I think I'm getting old...)
Child of Time said: I can't understand how anyone possibly can vote for a song from "The Mind's I" at all in these polls! Click to expand... A can understand that pretty well - what I cannot understand is how someone can possibly vote against Still Moving Sinews, one of the best songs from TMI. -Villain (with a two-day hangover after two days of drinking; I think I'm getting old...)
no country for old wainds Active Member Nov 23, 2002 26,755 9,717 113 Dec 16, 2003 #30 The Mind's I is possibly my least favourite DT album. :/
The Grand Wazoo Saeva Indignatio Nov 7, 2002 3,034 124 63 38 In my head Dec 19, 2003 #31 Child of Time said: I can't understand how anyone possibly can vote for a song from "The Mind's I" at all in these polls! It is THE Dark Tranquillity album! Click to expand... It's not.
Child of Time said: I can't understand how anyone possibly can vote for a song from "The Mind's I" at all in these polls! It is THE Dark Tranquillity album! Click to expand... It's not.
Profanity The Post Master Jul 3, 2003 32,140 349 83 41 Manchester, England, UK Jan 27, 2004 #33 Away, Delight, Away
rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city Jan 29, 2004 #34 since still moving sinews has been voted out i will commit suicide tonight. ahem, no, come to think of it i better wait a few days.
since still moving sinews has been voted out i will commit suicide tonight. ahem, no, come to think of it i better wait a few days.
Child of Time Voice of reason Feb 1, 2002 1,819 14 38 40 Gothenburg, Sweden Visit site Jan 29, 2004 #35 rahvin said: still moving sinews has been voted out Click to expand... Heeerrreeesyyy!