Dark Tranquillity U.S./Canadian Tour 2007

It's ALWAYS up to the band WHEN it becomes official. Promoters can do whatever they feel like is justified, BUT - there someone is not getting a US working visa and... you are fucked, amigo.

It's not official till it is on the band's web-site.

Repeat: It's not official till it's on the band's web-site?

Roger that?

And tehre was an update today.
i am well aware that a) there was an update today and b) it's NOT OFFICIAL till it's announced on the site.

but as i said, it has happened before like this. granted, it has also happened that the shows not announced haven't happened also. so we will both have to wait and see.

roger that, amigo?
It's ALWAYS up to the band WHEN it becomes official.
Wasnt it more like their management and not the band itself? I thought they complained a few times about how they never knew how and where a tour was going to happen until their management sent them a page with all the dates
Wasnt it more like their management and not the band itself? I thought they complained a few times about how they never knew how and where a tour was going to happen until their management sent them a page with all the dates

...and the band has to confirm whether it's OK with them. Management is doing their job booking pretty much same venues every time (at least here) or working with the same local promoter who can have a few venues (after years of established business relationships it's easier, I assume), and only dates/routes will be different.

Say, Mikael can't go because and because this or that date doesn't work out for him (junk-food connoisseurs forum, for example). Then management can go and... you know. That's why everything has to be confirmed 100% before the band can announce anything. Which with that many dates takes some time.
I think it's unfair that DT tours America more often than Greece. We're closer, dammit! :p
this is from the Into Eternity boards, taken from i believe the Into Eternity blog:

"Hi Everyone

We'll have some more news soon, but we are blessed again with another great USA tour. It will be The Haunted/Dark Tranquillity/Into Eternity touring the USA in late March into the middle of April. Dates will be announced soon. So far we know these 6 shows.....

Mar. 25 - Springfield, VA @ Jaxx
Mar. 29 - Toronto, ON @ Opera House
Apr. 02 - Louisville, KY @ Headliners

Apr. 06 - Denver, CO @ Cervantes
Apr. 10 - Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
Apr. 13 - Anaheim, CA @ House of Blues

We'll see you all again very soon. Keep it metal!

I think I'd probably cry for real if they didn't come to Calgary.

Edit: It's funny how Into Eternity lists Toronto as being in the USA on their website, when they are Canadian.
I think I'd probably cry for real if they didn't come to Calgary.

Edit: It's funny how Into Eternity lists Toronto as being in the USA on their website, when they are Canadian.
they obviously know it's in Canada. the fact is, that a lot of bands just say an American tour and throw in one Toronto and a Montreal/Quebec City show. currently there is what, one Canadian date listed? that's not a Canadian tour. it's an American tour with one Canadian date.
America is a continent. The country that calls itself America because it has a stupid superiority complex and thinks that it counts for all America is really called United States of America or USA.

"American tour" means "tour in the continent called America", so a southamerican tour and a centralamerican our and a mexican tour would also be american tours (and i'd like to add that Mexico is in North-America while i'm at this).

So it's not that they say "american" because it's mostly a USA tour and just throw in a few canadian dates; Canada is part of America.
Someone's more catholic than the pope, eh?

There's a newsflash for you though: There are certain differences between the exact terms and the every day use of a language. Nontheless, people manage to grasp what the other is saying. Most of the time.
Hey hey come on be nice to Undie ok? He's trying to post again, and although I must admit it wasn't the best "return" post, give him a chance ok? He always has something interesting to say, just give him a chance.

Sorry for the off topic there.
-bzzzz- Back to topic hehe :goggly: .


Come on DT you've already been to CR, come back again!!!

And you now have a much larger fanbase so I'm sure the konzert will be sold out hehe :rock: :notworthy :kickass: :Smokin: :rock: .

Anyway, lucky bastards ye Cnanadians hehe (well technically I AM Canadian, but I don't live there. YET. MUA HA HA HA HA!