Dark Tranquillity

Rascian Warrior

New Metal Member
Apr 1, 2003
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I've got two of their albums.. Damage Done and "Skydancer/Of Eternal Chaos and Night," and I've been planning on buying some more. I was thinking of either "Projector" or "Haven." Which one's more like Damage Done? And which one's overall better?

BTW.. what do you guys think of soon-to-be-released Opeth's "Damnation?"
asphyXy said:
projector is one of the best albums ever. mikael sings on projector, and his voice is great.

Projector is an amazing album, I'm listening to it right now, actually. But Mikael's singing has been known to turn people off of the album.
Rascian Warrior said:
BTW.. what do you guys think of soon-to-be-released Opeth's "Damnation?"

Damnation is further evidence of opeth's transformation into pink floyd ;)

(I think The Gallery is my favorite dark tranquillity album)
I'll go for Haven too. Most diehard DT fans would say Projector hands down; admittedly it's much more ethereal and subversive, but I prefer Haven because of it's variations in pace and structure that Projector lacks somewhat. It's also got much better artwork. :D
I love Projector, largely due to the clean vox. Damage Done is great too, but I was really disappointed that there weren't more of the singing vox. Mikael's got a fantastic voice and he should use it much more than he does. He reminds me very much of the singer for Depeche Mode, whom I also really like.

I'd like to see DT going in a similar direction to Soilwork, experimenting with more harmonious elements rather than just the death-type vox.
btw, DT is great live. I saw them with Sentenced last year and they kicked ass! :headbang:
Lycanthrope said:
btw, DT is great live. I saw them with Sentenced last year and they kicked ass! !!:headbang:

Me too, in Rhode Island. I got to meet the band after; I went outside after their set. Screw In Flames, IMHO.

Both Haven or Projector are awesome. But go with the Gallery.
Damnation is awesome!!!!!!!!
I bought "Damage Done" the day before yesterday, and its fairly good, though I like music a bit more brutal;) - Overall its a good album though; nice melodies, cool structure but I cannot answer your question, since its the only album I have from these guys...
first of all i agree with those who said get the gallery. i prefer damage done but the gallery is a mammoth album punish my heaven owns !!! Projecter is another fanatastic album the clean vocals are superb so if you like clean vocals you better get projecter. If you going to get projecter you should get haven to because its equally good lot of electronics in it too. In Conclusion dark tranquillity own and you should buy all the albums.