Bands with no bad releases....

i need to see the movie
But i don't think it'll change the fact that most of the music just isn't all that great (with the extremely obvious exception of Comfortably Numb)
It's better once you see the movie. I understood the album much more after that.

I have seen the movie. It was horrible, and if I thought I didn't like the album before, I simply detested it after.
The movie is really boring and full of cheap psuedo artistic crap. I honestly think it's the worst movie I've ever seen (and I have seen Alexander).
Hells ya, Pink Floyd discussion!

They're my number one favorite classic rock band.

I'm not quite sure why people find The Wall boring and pretentious, but everyone's entitled to their opinion. Personally, I think the Wall has some of the best songs. Also, I don't think you can call a single second of it "filler." It all has some role to play in the story, and small pieces like Vera and Bring the Boys Back Home are absolutely epic and haunting. There's no way to reach a point of agreement on this. I personally just think The Wall is epic and of mass proportions. I don't want to start a heated debate, but The Wall dwarfs anything The Beatles ever did (well, I guess I just did).

However, I don't think The Wall is their best album. Dark Side is great, but I actually believe that is contains more "filler" than The Wall. Don't get me wrong, I still love all of it; but it has more trippy, psychedelic wanderings that I think can be construed as having less relevance than the interludes of The Wall.

Personally, my favorites:
-Meddle (every song=amazing; and Echoes... no words to describe it)
-Wish You Were Here (one of the most intensely personal albums I've ever heard)
-The Final Cut (most will argue that this is only a Waters solo album; but I think the music and lyrics on this record are haunting and emotionally draining. And the lyrics mixed with Gilmour's solo on the title track give me chills every time)
-The Division Bell (no Waters, but an incredible record all the same; a fitting installment for the Floyd's final album)

So that's my opinion.

And one last thing. I don't think you can call The Wall pretentious and full of "pseudo artistic crap" and then praise the Beatles in your next breath.
I'm gonna confess right now that I don't like the Wall, Relics, or Piper at the Gates of Dawn. However, I'd say the brilliance of their other stuff makes up for it.

Well, Relics is just a compilation album with one new song, and Piper At the Gates of Dawn is old Floyd. Personally, I don't really like the stuff with Barrett much either.

But it's funny, because the Wall is so different from either of those records.
Haha, it's definitely a great album. One of my favorites as well. Dogs is one of their best songs, and a fantastic live piece. However, the album as a whole doesn't quite match their others (in my opinion).