can't touch this
you people just hae too much time on your hands to owrry about this stuff, its Symphony x, they will make it good.
OfSinsAndShred said:Haha... those crazy Finns. The thread about this on the forum of JP himself was enough fun, so I won't start a flame war here.
I'm one of those fans that disagrees. A lot of them were just simple, heavy riffs and mega-fast solos that seem like they had a lot less effort put into them than the ones on DwoT, Twilight, and V.
Lyrically it was better than great, but musically... I don't blame Pinella for making a solo CD, 'cause they didn't even need him for half the songs on The Odyssey.
Hahahahahahaha.... wow. When you put it THAT way.DoktorShred said:Lyrically it was one of the worst albums in my collection. Yngwie and dragonforce make music that suits fun lyrics....symphony x is a band you need to get really into in my opinion, and personally for me to get really into an album it should be devoid of russel allen singing about being seduced by an rpg hag in a cathedral
DoktorShred said:Lyrically it was one of the worst albums in my collection. Yngwie and dragonforce make music that suits fun lyrics....symphony x is a band you need to get really into in my opinion, and personally for me to get really into an album it should be devoid of russel allen singing about being seduced by an rpg hag in a cathedral
Rose Immortal said:Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain
wayne the goblin/robot said:HEY!!!!!!!!! some of those rpg hags are pretty hot, especially the ones in the japanese rpgs like final fantasy X.(lulu may have been a bitch but those huge breasts of hers make me wanna.......................)
DoktorShred said:I think you need to move out of your parents house
For some reason I like the lyrics in that song. Probably because I find them really quite amusing, but still...soundgarden said:Take Devy's Earth Day for example. Lyrically, that song is gawd-awful. However, that is one of my favorite DT pieces.