"Darker" than The Odyssey ¡?

By no means do I consider The Odyssey to be cheesy... in fact I think they were trying to get away from that cheesy image by making this CD, and they didn't really succeed in their attempt. I don't mind the themes of their songs being dark. It would be interesting to see a "darker" epic after their last two ended with "my paradise has begun" and "triumphant champion of Ithaca." Darker intrigues me; the new CD being less symphonic repels me.
Exactly. In my opinion, for them to drop the symphonic element would be to completely turn their backs on everything they've been trying to be for 10 years now, and what made them distinct from so many other bands.
This next album has to be good, The Odyssey was just a little bit less good than V (still damn GREAT though). But I think things will not get untastefully heavy, because Russell is their singer.
I hope Pinnella has a bigger part in this one.. hope its more polished than the Odyssey.. you know.. like V was (good balance in that album to)^^. I hope theres another epic as well.. but someone in this thread said they heard there wouldent be one. I hope they are wrong.
I think they should keep some dark orchestral stuff like in the odyssey (song) and in v-cd. but some "happy" too. and good riffs, complicated polyrhytms and acoustic things.
I think Symphony X would have to work incredibly hard to make this a bad release, and while I'd prefer to see a return to a style more akin to that displayed in V, I can't wait to see what new things they've come up with. Of the last five studio albums, there is not one track that I dislike - Symphony X are the masters of writing what is essentially metal perfection. Take your time guys, and show us something amazing :)
OfSinsAndShred said:
Haha... those crazy Finns. The thread about this on the forum of JP himself was enough fun, so I won't start a flame war here.

I'm one of those fans that disagrees. A lot of them were just simple, heavy riffs and mega-fast solos that seem like they had a lot less effort put into them than the ones on DwoT, Twilight, and V.

Lyrically it was better than great, but musically... I don't blame Pinella for making a solo CD, 'cause they didn't even need him for half the songs on The Odyssey.

Lyrically it was one of the worst albums in my collection. Yngwie and dragonforce make music that suits fun lyrics....symphony x is a band you need to get really into in my opinion, and personally for me to get really into an album it should be devoid of russel allen singing about being seduced by an rpg hag in a cathedral
DoktorShred said:
Lyrically it was one of the worst albums in my collection. Yngwie and dragonforce make music that suits fun lyrics....symphony x is a band you need to get really into in my opinion, and personally for me to get really into an album it should be devoid of russel allen singing about being seduced by an rpg hag in a cathedral
Hahahahahahaha.... wow. When you put it THAT way. :lol:
The lyrics to a song never really bothered me. It is how it is sung in accordance to the music that makes the difference. Take Devy's Earth Day for example. Lyrically, that song is gawd-awful. However, that is one of my favorite DT pieces.

(one exception to this is metallica's Fade to Black, the lyrics are very important to the song)
Pinnella should be used A LOT more. I think Romeo did most of the symphonic stuff on The Odyssey. I mean, WTF, you have Pinnella, let him do that kind of stuff. O_o

I hope it's more like V than The Odyssey. I'd rather have the symphonic aspect than the metal aspect, but that's just me.
Romeo is an absolute genius when it come to orchestration...but then Pinnella is by no means bad either. But i think that Pinnella's role is not that of a bunch of string players, but a keyboard player. Hard to explain, but i like it how it is, and the think that the Odyssey has plenty of pinnella, you just have to listen to it on a well tuned system :grin: but seriously...i think that if they are going for something darker, then Pinella will be playing an absolutely key role in achieving that atmosphere. If you listen to some of his solo pieces, he does a great job in establishing atmosphere...I cant wait for this next masterpiece.
DoktorShred said:
Lyrically it was one of the worst albums in my collection. Yngwie and dragonforce make music that suits fun lyrics....symphony x is a band you need to get really into in my opinion, and personally for me to get really into an album it should be devoid of russel allen singing about being seduced by an rpg hag in a cathedral

HEY!!!!!!!!! some of those rpg hags are pretty hot, especially the ones in the japanese rpgs like final fantasy X.(lulu may have been a bitch but those huge breasts of hers make me wanna....................... :grin: )
Rose Immortal said:
Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain

:cool: i just played that in All-State Orchestra. definately rules. it seems like something SX could pull off, and make it a few ... million ... times better than the original.
Personally, I prefer Symphony X's darker, heavier moments, so I'm somewhat chuffed at the prospect of it being a darker album. I don't want something quite so dark as, say, Opeth. But the really upbeat, overly-powermetal bits kind of get on my nerves at times. But that's just my taste, and I think I'm in the minority here...

soundgarden said:
Take Devy's Earth Day for example. Lyrically, that song is gawd-awful. However, that is one of my favorite DT pieces.
For some reason I like the lyrics in that song. Probably because I find them really quite amusing, but still...

My first Sym X album was Damnation game. Got it in 99 I think. Since, like most(not all) who hear Sym X, I've aquired all of their albums. With that said, how much darker can things get?

"Terrified - to the left and to the right
Spirits of the Damned, iron shadows cast
Hear my desperate cries
Shrieking demon - far and wide
praying for this breath to be my last"

King of terrors is pretty friggin dark in my book.

What about Wicked?

Just listen to the lyrics. There's some really dark, and to be frank, sometimes creepy stuff on The Odyssey. And the music behind those creepy instances only make it "darker" for me. It will be interesting to hear a darker album!

Something else.

I get what has been said about the Odyssey part of the album. And I can understand why some wouldn't get it, or just not dig it. But cheesy? CHEESY?
I'm sorry but maybe, and I stress maybe(because I don't really believe what I think is absolute) you don't get it. (please don't flame me)


Something has really been getting under my skin for a couple of years now. Those who visit this forum complaining about the Odyssey release, and why they(fans) think they(Sym X) have gone in the wrong direction. If you want Symphony X to produce something you didn't get out of their last effort, maybe there lies the issue. Maybe they don't have what you need anymore. People change. People grow up, and the important things in their lives change too. Are there any bands out there that keep with their greatest material, and continue to top it album after album? Maybe a few, but not many. Hell, in my opinion, Symphony X has done just that. Not because each following album was heavier and more progressive, and more metal, and more dark, and more complex, and more what the hell ever else anyone can think to complain about, but because they HAVE gotten older and wiser, but can still T-totally rock out! :rock: Think about it...

claim to be a fan, then go on and on about their music not being what you want it to be. Just try to enjoy their music, take it at face value, and if that's not enough, when that craving, for instance, for something "darker" arises, just remember there are lit. hundreds of other bands who stay in the dark.


I havn't been around for a year or so and I'm sure most of this has been said in one way or another so, sorry if it's seemingly redundant.

now, please. try to remember this post is "ONLY" an opinion. One of many. I'm not mean'n to piss anyone off. Just spouting off!