"Darker" than The Odyssey ¡?

Polyeidus said:
Something has really been getting under my skin for a couple of years now. Those who visit this forum complaining about the Odyssey release, and why they(fans) think they(Sym X) have gone in the wrong direction. If you want Symphony X to produce something you didn't get out of their last effort, maybe there lies the issue. Maybe they don't have what you need anymore. People change. People grow up, and the important things in their lives change too. Are there any bands out there that keep with their greatest material, and continue to top it album after album? Maybe a few, but not many. Hell, in my opinion, Symphony X has done just that. Not because each following album was heavier and more progressive, and more metal, and more dark, and more complex, and more what the hell ever else anyone can think to complain about, but because they HAVE gotten older and wiser, but can still T-totally rock out! :rock: Think about it...

claim to be a fan, then go on and on about their music not being what you want it to be. Just try to enjoy their music, take it at face value, and if that's not enough, when that craving, for instance, for something "darker" arises, just remember there are lit. hundreds of other bands who stay in the dark.

I am a fan; but I am not a mindless follower who thinks that my favorite band can do no wrong.
After reading this whole topic, I figured out how to word my opinion on the whole "Darker than the Odyssey" thing.

I think it would rule for the next song to be really dark; in fact I love all the dark, evil stuff in SX's discography. BUT darker does not necessarily equal heavier. For the album to be their darkest, IMO, it means there has to be more of Pinella - and LESS heavy, thrashy riffs. So it doesn't have to be loud, simple, and incredibly heavy (which worked well on the Odyssey) to be "dark". I mean, to me Orion and The Relic are some of their darkest songs, and they weren't all that heavy, and very melodic.

Polyeidus: Are you saying that because I (well, not specifically me, I realize) didn't like parts of one album from SX's whole discography, I should go find other bands to listen to? V is my favorite album EVER, with Twilight and Divine Wings not far behind - so what if I didn't like every song on the Odyssey? They're still my favorite band. But that doesn't mean I'll pretend to like the fact that they totally booted the neoclassical style from their sound, or that I like polished albums like V a lot more than "raw" albums like The Odyssey.

Sorry for writing a book. I'm bored.
soundgarden said:
Take Devy's Earth Day for example. Lyrically, that song is gawd-awful. However, that is one of my favorite DT pieces.

Jesus christ, I love that song with a passion. That song has probably cycled through my playlist more than any other. But you're right. The lyrics aren't that great, BUT FUCK IT! I REALLY DON'T CARE! FUCK! LISTEN TO ME! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!

lol those lyrics came up as I was typing them.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Polyeidus: Are you saying that because I (well, not specifically me, I realize) didn't like parts of one album from SX's whole discography, I should go find other bands to listen to?

What did I say? Well, what I meant to say was:
When the craving arises for something Symphony X doesn't provide the listner, to find a band that does provide what the listner wishes to hear instead of coming to this forum and bitching about what Symphony X is not.

so, no, I didn't mean dropping them all together. Sorry for the confusion.

And I do not agree that they totally booted the neoclassical style... that's a little far fetched, IMO.
While they didn't totally boot it, I do think they de-emphasized it. The only thing is, that's their trademark, so if they WERE to give it up entirely, I do think they'd probably end up shooting themselves in the foot as far as one half (I'm making that number up) of the fanbase would be concerned.

By the way, someone was talking about how Pinnella would be essential to create a darker sound...I just listened to Twilight in Olympus, and I think there are some excellent examples of what he could do on there to create a chillier, darker atmosphere. "Church of the Machine" is the first one to come to mind.
Rose Immortal - I just listened to TiO, and I really think it's their darkest CD... and it was totally because of Pinella.

And what sounds neoclassical on The Odyssey? There's the title track, in which the band plays non-neoclassical metal under symphonic samples - depends on your definition of neoclassical. For me, it's stuff like Smoke and Mirrors, the intro to Out of the Ashes, Damnation game, etc. And there's Masquerade, which is a remake. There's a lot of melodic stuff, but none of it makes me wanna rock out with my Bach out.

*shrug* Don't get me wrong, The Odyssey has some absolutely great stuff on it, but overall I wasn't too happy with the direction it took away from their other stuff. I don't hate it or anything.
Kronikle66 said:
Jesus christ, I love that song with a passion. That song has probably cycled through my playlist more than any other. But you're right. The lyrics aren't that great, BUT FUCK IT! I REALLY DON'T CARE! FUCK! LISTEN TO ME! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!

lol those lyrics came up as I was typing them.


lol WTF?!?! (still an awesome song though :P)
anonymousnick2001 said:
I heard it's going to be a three-song, hour-long album based on Dante's Divine Comedy.
I doubt it....though not only would that be appropriately dark, but it would also have the potential to absolutely rule....just take Dante's Inferno by Iced Earth as an example....dark songs about a trip through hell can really rule!
If I saw some evidence for the album being about the Divine Comedy, I'd be incredibly happy. But Romeo has said that there won't be an epic on the new album (although that WAS a while ago).

I have to say after reading the Divine Comedy, then listening to the IE song, I was pretty disappointed. Only SX has the power to make it rule.
If the new album was on the Divine Comedy then I think it would be awesome to make it a 2-disk set. First disk focused on the trip through hell. THe 2nd disk focused on the trip through purgatory and then to heaven, getting progressively "lighter".
OfSinsAndShred said:
After reading this whole topic, I figured out how to word my opinion on the whole "Darker than the Odyssey" thing.

I think it would rule for the next song to be really dark; in fact I love all the dark, evil stuff in SX's discography. BUT darker does not necessarily equal heavier. For the album to be their darkest, IMO, it means there has to be more of Pinella - and LESS heavy, thrashy riffs. So it doesn't have to be loud, simple, and incredibly heavy (which worked well on the Odyssey) to be "dark". I mean, to me Orion and The Relic are some of their darkest songs, and they weren't all that heavy, and very melodic.

I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. Heavy and Dark are often mistaken for one another. Odyssey was REALLY heavy, but not all that dark. Like for a perfect example, the original Accolade was darker, but Accolade 2 was heavier. Songs like Wicked and Odyssey border on dark, but are really more groovy and exciting, and The Odyssey as a whole is oddly enough a somewhat light album. Bringing Pinella up a bit more in the mix will create a darker atmosphere, assuming they are writing darker styled songs anyway.

Someone said Odyssey was lyrically weak? I think aside from V (which is lyriucally the best CD ever), it is lyrically the strongest of their catalog, and the chorus to Inferno is brilliant!
Luis said:
Symphony X is darker than many prog metal bands. As long as Russell sings "normal" and the guys create melodies, i will be the first to buy the new album. I guess the new album will be darker than V but not as heavy as The Odyssey.

what makes you think it won't be as heavy as The Odyssey. The Odyssey wasn't really THAT heavy...heavy for progmetal I guess, but not like some of the heavier powermetal or thrashmetal thats for sure. I'd like to see em get even heavier, I know Mike could do it :)
I don't care if its dark or not, it just has to have good balance, The Odyssey and V had some sensational parts, but however there was one key ingredient missing. It was guitar riffs. As much as I like Michael Romeo in a guitarist, I find him a generic guitar chugger. He needs to improve on his riffing techniques, hopefully he doesn't do that much!