"Darker" than The Odyssey ¡?

arglebargle said:
It's ironic that Romeo can get away with writing simple riffs, yet when nu-metal bands do it everyone's like OMG THEY FUCKING SUCK LOOK AT THOSE SIMPLE CRAP RIFFS
Perhaps, but nu-metal bands don't come anywhere NEAR the types of song structures, compositions, and arrangements that Symph X puts together
a riff does not need technical difficulty to be complex. anyone who thinks more notes per second, more changes per bar, is the definition of complex or progressive, is a fool.

as for the new album being darker, i'm all for it. i have a very dark personality. the darker the better, it makes every little metaphorical glimmer of light shine so brightly.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
i think everyone is forgettion the word progress!!!!! the band is progressing to a new sound. (hence the title progressive metal)

You can like or dislike that progress, though. Let's just hope those parts of The Odyssey that didn't quite work right were just the result of "growing pains". ;)
Rose Immortal said:
You can like or dislike that progress, though. Let's just hope those parts of The Odyssey that didn't quite work right were just the result of "growing pains". ;)

and I think we can all agree that growing pains was a stupid show.