darrell abbott's killer should burn in hell

zeppelin said:
Ah!, my partner in crime. Sounds great, we can mix it up with Richelieu, tastes like devil piss :kickass: :Smokedev:

Yeeaaah, heard South African banana beer is also pretty strong :loco:
zeppelin said:
Gees, you lot sound like dignified English gentlemen (and lady).
So much for badass metalheads, where do I find the occult section? :loco:
Btw, what ever happened to that Kornkid dude?
Maybe he took the hint.

And carnut, I just had some of this:


It was rather tasty.
Militia said:
Haha, I just finished it as I started reading this post.

Thought I'd take a picture for all you lovely ladies.

Looks like a lady drink yeah, gimme some good ol' masculan beer !!!! ;)
haha, we're on a bad trip here...I really got me some beer out of the fridge (Jupiler-best of the 1500 Belgian beers !!)...interesting in new BIG plastic bottles !! Now I turn on some good ol' Savatage and I'm pretty happy !!!!!!
carnut said:
haha, we're on a bad trip here...I really got me some beer out of the fridge (Jupiler-best of the 1500 Belgian beers !!)...interesting in new BIG plastic bottles !! Now I turn on some good ol' Savatage and I'm pretty happy !!!!!!

hahah That really was a pipe filled with pot that really came from a quarter I got the other day so I really am Stoned! and Some Kamelot is what I'v got to hear!!!! But I do Love Savatage!!!