Darwin's "Origin of Species" with shit on top.

HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA I had to stop at 0:54, I can't watch it anymore.

The guy claimed.... that an entire generation is being brainwashed by atheism.... BRAINWASHED. BRAINWASHED.

Hmmm let me see here, no atheist has ever come to my fucking door to preach to me. Nope, not a single one. Not even while I was walking downtown. Let's look at christians, jehovas people and stuff like that.... yeah, I've seen plenty of those approaching me. PLENTY. Even to my fucking door. Yeah, talk about getting brainwashed by atheists.

As a side note, I'm still neither an atheist nor a religious person. I believe there may be something out there but for FUCK'S SAKE I don't spend my days trying to make others believe the same thing. There is a fucking line and once you cross it, your IQ drops below room temperature. Jesus christ... people :S
Kirk Cameron is such an idiot I can't believe I watched as much as I did.

Those fools have had their asses handed to them on several occasions, but they keep coming back saying the same bullshit. Its pathetic. SHUT UP!
There are many logical absurdities with religion. These are contradictions that have even been addressed by the most brilliant Christian philosophers like Aquinas, Augustine, Kierkegaard. However, from what I've read, many Christians believe that these absurdities were INTENTIONALLY put there by God to test the faith of true believers. Those who can overlook the absurdities and logical inconsistencies have true faith. Man's reason and logic can never understand the true meaning of God's world.

It sheds a little light on Christianity's apparent blatant disregard for dissenting arguments. They KNOW they're ignoring evolution, science, etc., They do it on purpose; or, at least the smart ones do. The average dumbass Bible-thumper is just an idiot through and through...they put NO thought into why they really believe what they believe.

I have respect for the more intellectual Christians though. The aforementioned philosophers (all devout Christians) are arguably among the finest the Western world has ever known.
We all know that creationist are bat shit crazy. I just can't believe they will be writing a 50 page introduction to Darwin's "Origin of Species" to intentionally misdirect readers. Makes me rage to no end!

That is just some slimy sneaky ass shit. Lowest of low. Fuck those two motherfuckers!

For those that don't want to suffer the whole vid just watch from 1:13 to get to the point.
"We should be putting both options in their hand so they are allowed to make their own choice, we think that's healthy."

I would agree if one of the sides wasn't completely and utterly batshit insane. The earth is 6,000 years old? I call fucking shenanigans on that, and putting a scientifically disproved, incorrect viewpoint in a book which is supposed to fucking educate you, to be given away for free at EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS is fucking moronic.
Sure you could say it's a personal choice thing, but isn't the point of science to work how things DO work rather than how they DON'T?
As far as a marketing idea goes, it's kind of clever. If an organization I actually supported had come up with this public domain trick, I'd be all "Fuck yeah, nice move!"

Hell, I wouldn't mind having a (free) copy for myself, even if just to mock on.
LMAO, I love it how their biggest arguments against the theory of evolution is Darwin's views on women and ties with Hitler, not the lack of evidence...

So it's like 'Yeah... look... Darwin was a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE person. He did this... he did that!............ oh! and BTW, his theory kinda lacks evidence...'
Why do stupid as fuck Christians try to use Albert Einstein as an example of a Christian Scientist? .. he wasn't even religious, and if he had been, he would had been a Jew now, wouldn't he?

But he didn't mention Georges Lemaître, a catholic priest & scientist who happened to create the foundation of the big bang theory. ;)
I wonder how they would feel about handing out copies of the Skeptic's Annotated Bible at Sunday school. You know, it's healthy for people to have all the information.

someone should really do that, that would be fair argument to a court that if the creationist are allowed to spew their opinions at what they believe is a fault in the evolutionists discoveries, than the evolutionists get to give their information and pointing out the flaws in the bible.

You know this whole fucking thing they are trying to do is just another attempt to shove their beliefs down other people's throats. You never and I mean NEVER hear an atheist (lets say a scientist/professor) trying to convince a christian than their beliefs are wrong, on the other hand a bishop or a priest will try to convince anyone to "see the light of god" the first chance they get. Yet they call the atheists the brainwashers. Atheism has come to popularity not from brainwashing, but rather, people have discovered that science has been able to physically prove a lot of things we once knew nothing about, it got us to space, it made the very computers that create this very site, over time people will realize when they look out at the world and realize the concept of god is pretty delusional and choose to be atheist and support science and technology to better our future. But then again to the Christians we don't do that we brainwash.

They are so far beyond delusional, that they are schizotypical to believe that their opinionated preachings aren't brainwashing that their way is absolutely right, fail to come to terms with the evidence against them but still attempt to mirror that back on the atheists simply because they have this self righteous belief that they know all the secrets of the universe, they live inside their own delusional reality.

scizotypical? Yea I think so
The dumbest part of the whole thing is that they treat evolution as if it is their arch-nemesis, like "evolution" is some other religion that they have to battle in order to maintain the upper hand.

The theory of evolution wasn't devised in order to debunk religion, it was struck upon during attempts to understand what we actually observe to be happening. It just happens to indirectly interfere with their bronze age truth claims, and they're all in a tizzy. I don't understand why they're not losing their fucking minds trying to prove that the Earth is flat and is in the center of the solar system / universe.
I wouldn't mind preaching in public if they didn't try to brainwash people to believing their way then fine, but they go about rudely singling you out and trying to make you feel so horrible that you give into what they want. That is called brainwashing and it completely wrong on so many levels. The way atheists or evolutionists would do it is plan a day to have a convention or a presentation where they advertise about it and try to invite and many people as they can. They then give their presentation and usually end with, we are individuals, question everything and don't blindly accept what you hear, discover the world and your beliefs yourself, not what other people say.