David my boy...

heheh, a concert in the woods

i'm hoping to go camping up north this fall - not "truly" up north :p (not crossing the 45th parallel :p:p) but north a couple of hours from toronto!
Reign in Acai
Do you guys plan on doing any shows in the vast white wilderness of Canada when it comes time for your next release?
That is the plan! Even though our focus is on completing and releasing Woods 3 right now, we have still been jamming with Chris Mezz (Wetwork) on drums 1-2 times a week, playing old stuff, new stuff (Woods 3) and even some REALLY new stuff (Woods 4???) as we prepare for the return of the Woods' live show. Everything just takes time, so we've learned to be patient. Dan Hulse has toured accross Canada before, but I never have yet, and I would love to do it! It will happen! ...I hope 2007 will be a busy year! :kickass:
David Gold said:
That is the plan! Even though our focus is on completing and releasing Woods 3 right now, we have still been jamming with Chris Mezz (Wetwork) on drums 1-2 times a week, playing old stuff, new stuff (Woods 3) and even some REALLY new stuff (Woods 4???) as we prepare for the return of the Woods' live show. Everything just takes time, so we've learned to be patient. Dan Hulse has toured accross Canada before, but I never have yet, and I would love to do it! It will happen! ...I hope 2007 will be a busy year! :kickass:

PLEASE come to London (Ontario that is) If you do, I will be there, no matter what, at the front, going nuts. I'm sure you guys put on an amazing show, and would most definitely not miss it :headbang: :kickass:
I know when I talked to you, you said you would like to make it to the Maritimes, but do you think you actually will in the end?

If so, expect some crazy metal thristy fans! We haven't had a good decent metal show here since Behemoth came in November.
Well, we've had local stuff and some smaller bands from other parts of Canada come, but no one as good as WOY.
Suffocation came not to long ago, but I wasn't here, already saw them anyways.