David Wayne formerly of Metal Church dies... R.I.P.

JonnyD said:
ya gotta have a small amount of Respectful humor makes it easier ... Thats cool I would like to go to florida to see Criss Oliva's site one day just to show respect ... but I did mean that in the most serious sense...

I know. I was just busting your sac. Another tragic metal death, Criss Oliva.
Seems like it was just yesterday that I was watch the Power 30 on Much Music & I heard this during the opening of their show... Man, that was while ago.
Might seem that way to me becuase the guy was so young. I guess that is similar to the experience people back in the day had with Randy Rhoads?
Never liked his vocals much, I prefer way more the Howe era. Said that I must pay respect to the passing away of a very important figure in old school metal, 'Watch The Children Pray' is a true anthem whcih relevance in my own metal history is undeniable, and just for that...FAREWELL :( may you find peace of the other side.
JonnyD said:
ya gotta have a small amount of Respectful humor makes it easier ... Thats cool I would like to go to florida to see Criss Oliva's site one day just to show respect ... but I did mean that in the most serious sense to a certain extent hahaha when you scope the site part of you will be doing it as one of us! .... shit you might have to start ignoring me now Been awake for 26 or 30 hours :yuk:

Hey JD, if ya make it down to Florida drop me a line. I live right by the cemetary where Criss is buried. Actually my Dad is buried there also. I always give Criss some respects when I visit my fathers grave. I can't believe it's been almost 12 years since Criss died. Holy shit!
SavaRon said:
Hey JD, if ya make it down to Florida drop me a line. I live right by the cemetary where Criss is buried. Actually my Dad is buried there also. I always give Criss some respects when I visit my fathers grave. I can't believe it's been almost 12 years since Criss died. Holy shit!

You I will bet dude! if and when I will let you know and we can make arrangements! Thats one of those Musical Pilgramages I have always wanted to make .... I remember when Criss Died I had just Gotten my Rock Video Monthly for October With Savatage's Sleep Video on it as I watched that Vid I read that Criss had died it Blew me right away and that song has always had a special place in my heart
Wyvern said:
Never liked his vocals much, I prefer way more the Howe era. Said that I must pay respect to the passing away of a very important figure in old school metal, 'Watch The Children Pray' is a true anthem whcih relevance in my own metal history is undeniable, and just for that...FAREWELL :( may you find peace of the other side.

I too was always a bigger Howe fan But His work on "The Dark" in particular was just Awsome and his latter stuff with Reverend was good too! and I actually Really liked David Waynes Metal Church .. even if it was a blatent rip off ... For me my absolute favorite Wayne album is Masterpeice... I know alot of the OS guys dont care for it But I love it! have since it came out ...R.i.p. David Wayne ... motherfucker will be missed!
JonnyD said:
I too was always a bigger Howe fan But His work on "The Dark" in particular was just Awsome and his latter stuff with Reverend was good too! and I actually Really liked David Waynes Metal Church .. even if it was a blatent rip off ... For me my absolute favorite Wayne album is Masterpeice... I know alot of the OS guys dont care for it But I love it! have since it came out ...R.i.p. David Wayne ... motherfucker will be missed!

"Masterpeace" actually is were Wayne as a singer shines the best because unlike "The Dark" he actually learnt to sing. I agree that "Masterpeace" is not their finest hour, but is not the bad album most reviewers and critics try to diminish.
Wyvern said:
"Masterpeace" actually is were Wayne as a singer shines the best because unlike "The Dark" he actually learnt to sing. I agree that "Masterpeace" is not their finest hour, but is not the bad album most reviewers and critics try to diminish.

I guess we disagree then about this. I have seen Metal Church just after they released "The Dark" and David simply was fantastic on the vocals live. In fact it is that concert that is in my top 3 of best gigs I ever saw!

I also saw them live just after they released "Masterpeace" and his vocals were simply not up to par. They were really bad. He just could not handle the high notes or sounded bad on some of the other stuff.

I am not talking about personal taste here, but being able to reproduce the vocal melodies from the record in a live environment.
SavaRon said:
Hey JD, if ya make it down to Florida drop me a line. I live right by the cemetary where Criss is buried. Actually my Dad is buried there also. I always give Criss some respects when I visit my fathers grave. I can't believe it's been almost 12 years since Criss died. Holy shit!

I'll be sure to introduce you two to each other at PPVI. After you posted your pix on the TM board maybe ? I definitely remembered talking to you. JD was about 50 yards from us on Sat night crashed in our room : /

Bryant said:
I'll be sure to introduce you two to each other at PPVI. After you posted your pix on the TM board maybe ? I definitely remembered talking to you. JD was about 50 yards from us on Sat night crashed in our room : /


I think I met JD there as well last year. I'm not really sure of to much but I think I remember talking to both of you for a little while. Anyway, Can't wait for September to roll around. Should be another great time. Where are you guys staying this year?
SavaRon said:
I think I met JD there as well last year. I'm not really sure of to much but I think I remember talking to both of you for a little while. Anyway, Can't wait for September to roll around. Should be another great time. Where are you guys staying this year?

I haven't decided. I have reservations at both The Residence Inn and The Granada. The Granada is so freaking convenient, but their security pesters the shit out of me.


You are certainly welcomed to hang out with me as well. I turn into a social whore @ PP. I bet I know 80 people there at least to a certain degree. THere is nothing like PP.

SavaRon said:
I think I met JD there as well last year. I'm not really sure of to much but I think I remember talking to both of you for a little while. Anyway, Can't wait for September to roll around. Should be another great time. Where are you guys staying this year?

hahaha You did it was prolly about 3am friday night your room was like 2 or 3 down from us I remember it because I was sober :p hahaha Bryant was pretty well lit at that point ... boy did we have a blast hahaha
JonnyD said:
hahaha You did it was prolly about 3am friday night your room was like 2 or 3 down from us I remember it because I was sober :p hahaha Bryant was pretty well lit at that point ... boy did we have a blast hahaha

Lit my ass !!! Tankard could have written a song about me that night. I was flat out shit-faced !! Ha ha ha. Either way, once again we will have a blast !!

Hawk said:
I also saw them live just after they released "Masterpeace" and his vocals were simply not up to par. They were really bad. He just could not handle the high notes or sounded bad on some of the other stuff.

I disagree with your disagreement because I was referring to the albums, not the live presentation :p
Wyvern said:
I disagree with your disagreement because I was referring to the albums, not the live presentation :p

Well, I love his singing on both "Metal Church" and "The Dark" and I think his vocals were average at best on "Masterpeace". Besides is the live situation not the real testing ground for the quality of any singer? I think it is.

In short, I disagree with your disagreement of my former disagreement :Spin: :yell: :lol:

NP: Metal Church - Metal Church
Hawk said:
Well, I love his singing on both "Metal Church" and "The Dark" and I think his vocals were average at best on "Masterpeace". Besides is the live situation not the real testing ground for the quality of any singer? I think it is.

In short, I disagree with your disagreement of my former disagreement :Spin: :yell: :lol:

NP: Metal Church - Metal Church

I love Masterpeace Personally :) Fantastic album! IMO ofcourse