Dead End Kings

I'm excited about this, but also a bit apprehensive. There are two things that brought down the last two Katatonia albums, in my opinion, and those are the vocal melodies and the lyrics. Jonas seems to have boxed himself in vocally in the last few years. While his voice and performance are still very good, I've found his melodies to be far less expressive than anything on 'Tonight's Decision', 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down', 'Viva Emptiness', and even 'Discouraged Ones'. I'd love to hear him 'stretch out' as he used to do. Lyrically, I'm not sure what's going on. I don't even like to criticize them, because I'm sure he knows exactly what he wants to say and is saying it, but they rather elude me. I mean, a song like 'Strained', 'Chrome', or 'Saw You Drown' has such moving lyrics, really something I can derive personal meaning from. On 'The Great Cold Distance' and 'Night Is the New Day' he's been a lot more sparse and vague, and not in a way I find effective.

That looks like a lot of complaining, I know, but those are really my only two complaints. Every album they've ever done has either been amazing to me in its entirety, or at least contained songs that are special to me. So I'll wrap this up by saying that I'm really looking forward to this album, and don't expect it to leave frequent rotation for quite a while when it's released. =]
There's a new Katatonia album coming out, and instead of talking about that, we're all arguing with a goddamn Goo Goo Dolls fan about a lack of bonus tracks?! :bah:

Way to put out the fire with gasoline, Kitty. :flame: Hats off to you and thank you for playing.

You know, it's probably been 6 years at least since I have listened to Goo Goo Dolls (or most of the bands in my signature). The reason that they are listed is to show that even non-metalheads and people who were raised on more mainstream rock music can still recognize the talent of Katatonia. There has always been a misconception that people who listen to mainstream rock music couldn't possibly find anything worth listening to in the non-mainstream market, and I am trying to show that that is simply not always the case. True, I do not recognize metal with lots of screaming, growling or grunting as "music" or even as "enjoyable" (a quality I believe is critical in music), so yes most of the realm of metal music is useless to me, but I can still recognize incredibly beautiful melodies and vocal harmonies; something that Katatonia has plenty of. To me, Katatonia is a shining diamond on a mountain of rocks and they alone have ruined most of the bands I used to love (which is why I need as many new Katatonia songs as humanly possible to help fill in that gaping void). However, I feel no shame in listing the bands that I do in my signature, because they all helped mold my love of rock music over the past 18 years and eventually brought me to Katatonia. Besides, I do not aim to be "just like everyone else", because that would be boring. :Spam:
There's a new Katatonia album coming out, and instead of talking about that, we're all arguing with a goddamn Goo Goo Dolls fan about a lack of bonus tracks?! :bah:

Goo Goo Dolls!!
That's the spirit Anthony3! :rock:

On a more serious (on-topic) note, the artwork style I have seen so far from DEAD END KINGS (particularly from the Facebook banner) reminds me quite a bit of the black and white horror styled artwork by Stephen Gammell.
Nope, you're wrong Coma. Rock/metal music can only be taken seriously when it is fronted by grown-ass men grunting and growling like big scary and hairy constipated monsters (or wild boars being raped by a chainsaw). It's gotta be HEAVY and/or BRUTAL!! :notworthy Only then will you truly learn what real musical talent is.
Definitely one of their best art works to date. In my top 3 for sure with Night is the New Day's reissue and original Last Fair Deal Gone Down. Viva's is exceptional as well.
I didn't read the whole thread, cuz I have other things to do,but just to make one thing clear:
WE (the band, Katatonia) choose to release 11 songs on the album and 2 songs for b-sides, Peaceville had nothing to do with that.

So either you get 11 Songs on the album and 2 b-sides released separately or you get 11 songs on the album and nothing more.