Dead Heart As A Concept Album And Why I Like It.....


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Although a lot of people dislike Dead Heart..., I tend to disagree. I don't think its as good as Politics, S/T, or Neon Black, but its still good. I think it could be a concept album and here is why: I'll give an account of each song and how I think it relates to the same concept of having a "dead heart in this dead world."
*NARCOSYNTHESIS- This is a type of therapy for nuerotic individuals. It can be seen as an evil manipulation of neurotic individuals and a violation of there rights, therefore leading them to have "dead hearts" and see the world as dead.
*WE DISINTEGRATE-To me this is about science going to far, example: cloning. It's about trying to find solitude in the "Dead World". The line "dissolve into the gray" is a metaphor to me because gray is between black and white and could also represent a "happy medium" for the fine line between intelligence and insanity. It could also represent a realistic vie of the future.
*INSIDE FOUR WALL-Basically discusses how people are wrongly imprisoned and how drug offenders do more time than rapist, murders, or child molesters. Therefore leading those wrongfully imprisoned to have a "dead heart" and seeing the world as having a "dead" justice system.
*EVOLUTION 169-This could be about number theory being tested. Or, how the working class are programmed like robots hence the line, "and one by one we fall out of line." Also, organized chaos could mean one person's chaos is another persons organization. "Don't set your mind to one side" could mean that answers are obtainable and to have an open mind. Someone posted that this song could mean that another world is watching us "like rats in his experiment." Therefore, this could lead someone to become discouraged and have a "dead heart" and see the world as dead.
*THE RIVER DRAGON-This could symbolize how the rich misuse technology and could care less about the poor leading them to have "dead hearts" and see the world as Dead. Also, the River Dragon could be a metaphor as the beast bringing destruction during the apocalypse and how a flood could be a warning of impending danger.
*HEART COLLECTOR-This could be a person who collects all "dead hearts" or broken hearts following a loss such as death, separation, or an ending relationship. It's also positive stating to seek hope in the "dead world" and to believe that there is hope after loss even when someone"can't believe anymore."
*ENGINES OF HATE-Chemical Pariah. Could mean someone playing devils advocate in the world seen as "Dead". Could also mean for us to take a stand and question what is the truth in the pathetic "dead world" and fight against being mindless sheep led to work and do as told.
*SOUND OF SILENCE-Speak your mind and take a stand. Similiar to ENGINES in meaning to speak up in the "dead world" because silence is golden and silence like a cancer grows. Great reinvented cover song.
*INSIGNIFICANT-A person could feel insignificant and have a "dead heart" thinking they are "just a speck in the spectrum." This person could feel not relevant and unwothy in the "dead world".
*BELIVE IN NOTHING-To me, similiar to Queensryche's "I Don't Believe In Love". This leads to a "dead heart" because someone could feel there is no cure for sorrow and believe nothing is sacred and nothings forever leading them to see the world as "dead".
*DEAD HEART IN A DEAD WORLD-Sums the whole album up. Meaning that a person could feel betrayed and have a "dead heart" after enduring life's misfortunes such as death, lies, betrayal, broken promises, etc...The "dead" world is surreal and people try to find hope but fall back down leaving them having a "Scarred Soul" and finally a "DEAD HEART IN A DEAD WORLD."
Pretty lenghty but I'm drinking and chatty. Can anyone relate to what I'm saying or how I percieve NEVERMORE.


WOW! Someone else knows what I'm talking about. Thanks DEVIL MAN. Also, I like DEATH and "Spirit Crusher." Speaking of DEATH, I wonder if Trapped will reply.


Originally posted by ZANEX
Although a lot of people dislike Dead Heart...,

Anyone who would dislike Dead Heart In A Dead World is a fuck head.
Anyone who would dislike Dead Heart In A Dead World is a fuck head.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That made me chuckle considerably; I wholeheartedly concur.

I hadn't ever really thought of it as a concept album; quite intriguing. Even if it isn't, it still flows together really well, as all Nevermore albums do. I know the River Dragon specifically is referring to a dam built on a river in China (can't remember the whole story, though), but I can see the symbolism you suggest as well. Maybe you should drink more often :lol:
Also, I like DEATH and "Spirit Crusher." Speaking of DEATH, I wonder if Trapped will reply.

Ha ha, you all know me waaay to well... :lol:
Nice analysis of DHIADW Zanex, it's a good read...

Anyone who would dislike Dead Heart In A Dead World is a fuck head.

...While i may be a 'Fuck head', i'm also not a sheep that swallows everything that is thrown at me. The only reason i like DHIADW is the fact that it is nevermore, and WD's vocals. If it was some other band, then i wouldn't be so reserved in my opinion. (zanex... hope you don't mind me stealing the limelight... ha ha!)

The reason i don't like DHIADW as much as POE, DNB, IM, is because it is very simpliefied music, very chordal, simple guitar riffs, very UNLIKE jeff's earlier work in nevermore. Same deal with 'Nevermore', I love most of it, like 'What tomorrow knows', and 'Garden of grey', but i can't satnd 'Timothy Leary' (Sorry LSD, i was referring to the song, not the man), and that song brings the whole album down.

DHIADW is very reminiscent of Newer styles of metal (Before anyone tries and shoot me down with you mentally blind thoughts, hear me out... this is a place for intelligent discussion of opinions, not blatant biased idiocy...!), take the intro riff from 'narcosynthesis', two notes repeated in a simple rhythmic pattern, similar to a nu-metal riff. If you put this aside the guitar part from 'poison god machine', then you will see what i mean about DHIADW being simplified compared to older nevermore.

The riverdragon has come is actually a very good song, and i like it very much, but like the rest of the album, for some unknown reason, seems to lack that 'holy fuck thats a good riff' vibe. Tell me what you prefer, 'Seven Tongues of God', or 'Beleive in nothing'...??

The production of DHIADW would be more suited to a newer band, with less guitarwork, and less drums, less bass, and less vocal range (ha ha... less of everything in fact!)... There has been a number of people PRAISE the production of DHIADW, and yes, it is a very clean mix, it is the exact same mix that was given to 'Demonic' by testament... But this is not suited to nevermore, take the guitar for example:

Guitar boosted as high as possible, then compressed to all-hell, then normalized (-gain boosted-) as high as humainly possible again.

This technique suits a kick drum, but not a guitar. Take the guitars from Politics of Ecstasy, there is ALOT of dynamic changes, a lot of room to breathe. But with DHIADW, it is all exactly the same, squashed, unable to breathe.

Same with the other instruments, it is all compressed too much, as there is no room for anything to breathe.

...Aside from the fact that i work as an engineer at a recording studio, i think i have used fairly un-technical language, but if i wasn't clear on something, just ask me...

I wont go into song structure or guitar riffs or anthing like at, as anyone who is able to read this, is able to realize simplicity when they hear it. There is no time changes, and the whole album is practically in 4/4 at the same tempo for the whole thing.

When it was said that 'DHIADW is going to focus more on the guitar', i thought that it would be awesome, and i was extremely excited to hear the new album. It seems that DHIADW did actually favour the guitar, but not in playing, the guitars overpower the rest of the mix, simply because there is no room for anything to breathe. WD actually said that some of the riffs were very 'death metal', but when i listen to beleive in nothing, or the heart collector, or lets face it, the whole album!, i just shake my head and say "where did it all go wrong"...?

I guess it doesn't matter tho, I still have POE, DNB, IM to listend to, its the same deal with metallica, i don't give a shit what they do now, i wont listen to it, but i still have ...And justice for all, and MOP and RTL to listen to. While Nevermore haven't reached the 'metallica' stage yet, DHIADW shows the same path, a very simple album, no heavier, and even simpler than 'metallica (black album)'. What's next...
"Nevermore - Loaded..." ????

I will still purchase the new nevermore album, but i am far from excited about it. I almost regret what it might be.

Please surprise me nevermore, don't follow Iced Earth any more than you already have...!!
that is a damn good answer!
well i am just a humble heavy metal fan (not musician or sound engineer etc.) and nevermore are easily in my three faves of all time, but i have to say that dhiadw, isn't as good as all previous works. it is a very good album, but quite compromised. trapped wrote strong terms, showing this way his dissapointment for dhiadw. i believe he is overeacting here, but he is right about the lack of changes, simplicity in the riffing etc. Dhiadw is the best album of the year for everyone but a real nevermore fan, who has obtained the nevermore spirit, knows and demands.
but for fucks sake trapped, metallica -or even- iced earth? cmon, u know better. these guys (nvrmr) really like metal and being different. this has been shown by their previous artworks. don't be so hard on them. i am sure that the release after their next will be awaited with excitment by you...

Christ is dead.
Long Live Nevermore.
I hadn't ever really thought of it as a concept album; quite intriguing. Even if it isn't, it still flows together really well, as all Nevermore albums do. I know the River Dragon specifically is referring to a dam built on a river in China (can't remember the whole story, though), but I can see the symbolism you suggest as well. Maybe you should drink more often

mhh...didn't this dam swallow gigentic areas of cultivated land (the flood)? i know that it was populated by farmers (poor man). it'S clear that the architects are meant to be the real architects and the fools could be the politicians. "they've built another wall" refers imo to the fact that there's the real wall and the wall in mind that separates normal ppl from the politicians. but i don't get the "the free will fall" line. i thought about three popular communist leaders or something but i don't know. "in the mass destruction the bringer shows his form/technology the beast is easy to understand as well" but the "seventh crown" i don'T get as well...

to trapped:
i don't know all others nevermore-cds (shame on me) or don't them for so long. but i can easily compare DHIADW to DNB and i've to say that you are partly right. the riffs are less difficult and i like the production more of the old pieces. but still you would never find the introriff of narcosynthesis on a numetal cd.
not that anyone gets that wrong i love DHIDW but DNB has lot more emotions and is more intensive. DHIADW contains more songs and pieces of music (i don't know how to explain that). and you right....i prefer the fault of the flesh in comparison to narcosynthesis. it was interesting for me to see that your fav on DHIADW is mine too. i think the river dragon is the complexest work on DHIADW. i wonder what you think about engines of hate!
{I hate you all Americans and native English-speaking people!!! You can express yourselves in English much better than I can!!! :cry: (And since I am leaving in Germany I think I start forgetting all these I had been learning for ten years). I need to think twice before I write a sentence! :cry: (OK it is not thaaat bad!!!)}
Anyway, I’ll try to write down my opinion about this:

I am neither a musician and I can’t judge the guitars and the mix of Dead Heart. After reading this post I heard the last two albums one after the other to think about my opinion again. You see every time I listen to DHIADW I recall the three shows (especially the one in Athens) I saw during the last gig and I almost forget the music of the album. After all sometimes we all don’t judge the music if we like the lyrics.
I would dare to say that Trapped is right, but I already knew that, I couldn’t though understand why. After reading his post I understood and I perhaps could add something to that:
My friend is not into Nevermore (actually he is an old metalhead, but he still prefers the old things, he listens the new ones from me) but after having listened to DNB, he found it good. A few weeks ago he asked to listen to DHIADW and the only songs he liked were the “Heart Collector” and “Believe in nothing”, about the others he said that Nevermore don’t succeed in playing quickly AND melodically at the same time. I said I couldn’t share his opinion, but I knew that this album had no riffs like “Poison Godmachine“ or “Matricide”.
I think Trapped is damned by the fact that he knows how to play music and/or because he is a sound engineer, due to this he can understand more things and that’s why he demands so much. The rest of us are satisfied with less.
But don’t be so hard to Nevermore, I don’t think that they are already decadent, they are too young for this, don’t you think?
DHIADW is a good album in my opinion...not as good as DNB...or POE i guess...but its still pretty damn good, i'd like it if it wasn't nevermore and just some other band

Personally i don't like POE as much as most people tend to favorite is DNB, cuz that one hits me emotionally, i can relate to a lot of that music....POE doesn't effect me (my state of mind) really...i can only appreciate it musically (the lyrics just don't hit me) ....

i also like Nevermore's slower songs...sanity assassin....the heart collector....shit like that....believe in nothing...

*runs off to listen to his recently finished Sanctuary downloads...*
ICQ is the best instant messenger around. The interface needs some work, but it is the most powerful.

I agree that DHIADW could have been better, but I do think Trapped was a bit harsh on it. The title track and River Dragon are awesome, IMO, and blew me away upon first and subsequent listens. Maybe it was a bit more simplistic than previous albums, but technicality isn't the only mark of a good or great album. As for production, I'm not an engineer (though I think that would be a sweet job) so my opinion doesn't carry much weight, but I think the production improved some areas and detracted from others. IMO, the guitar tone is worse than on previous albums, but I'm glad that the bass doesn't make my speakers sound like crap. My favorite production has always been on Overkill albums, so use that as a reference point for my opinions.

That's my $.02
I wasn't referring to the bass on any specific song; I've just noticed that when I crank PoE or DNB, I have to lower the bass to get a clean, quality sound.

BTW, Trapped, I'm curious what you're referring to with Iced Earth? Do you think they sold out? Horror Show, IMO, is awesome. I do think, however, that Something Wicked is overrated. It's a decent album, with a few really good songs, but I don't think it's as good as their others, nor as good as people make it out to be.

I do know what you're talking about with Metallica, though. AJFA was my favorite at the time, and is still in my top 10 ever, but the black album was a huge disappointment. I never even listened to all of Load (I previewed it at Media Play and almost cried). After that, I quit paying attention.

Nevermore better not even think of going down that road. Besides, didn't WD post "Politics fans beware" in his post about the new song Pyshotic Intellectual Narcotic (or whatever it was)? To me, that sounds like a return to PoE style, which is my favorite at the moment (being as I listened to it last :lol: ).

So, I'm quite interested in your opinion on IE and what reasons you have for it, please elucidate.
no one asked me aout it but i'm going to write my opinion about iced earth down.

iced earth is the band that got me into metal (for many ppl it is metallica i think) with SWTWC. i really loved that cd. played up and down! but then i heard all other albums and BO IE and NOTS beat SWTWC and i loved them even more and almost forgot about SWTWC. then AiA has been released and i thought it was great (and i still think htat). the dark saga gave me nothing. and HS gives me nothing as well. SWTWC is unimportant...good but unimportant. i would say that after BO iced earth weren'T able to make an excellent new song. they didn't sold out. they are out of ideas and new riffs....
Trapped - you are not a 'Fuck Head'. :)

As much as I must agree with a lot of your comments, ie - 'simplified', I don't see how this makes the songs any less good. For me, intricacy does not make a song, but it can break it. Being complex just for point of being complex is sill - part of the reason why 'Progressive' metal will never become my favourite genre (although I still do love it occasionly).

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying about the production either. It may sound like Demonic, but is that a bad thing? Plus, compared to Dreaming Neon Black? Hell, I can't even listen to that in my car because of the wierd bass noise, it sounds like my speakers are farting loudly and the doors are about to fall of.

As a side note, I should mention that Dead Heart In A Dead World was my first Nevermore album, and probably for that reason it will always be special to me. Simple or not, it's one of my favourite albums of all time. :headbang:
I totally agree with you... I love iced earth, but they do not excite me that much anymore, I mean you can really predict every song, but their old shit was great, some of Horror Show is really good, but nothing impresses me that much.