misanthropical breed
OfficerNice said:Spoiled and Ruined by America! ha ha! But I'm in the planning stages
of going to the UK and Germany this summer.
Cool, If you´re travelling to the very South of Germany, let me know it ;-)
I´m living right next door to the Swiss Border (maybe 1,2 miles away from my home).
OfficerNice said:Not very original, I'm afraid. Slayer used to have the "Slaytanic Wehrmacht",
maybe you were a fan back then?, we're talking about the late eighties.
After I got finished with the "German I" course, things got rocky with
my girlfriend and I and then another guy entered the picture.
It wasn't completely her fault, he was a coward and a weasel and he
played on her vulnerability and confusion. Because of that guy,
we broke up and I was out for blood. All I could hear in my head were
those opening riffs and the lyrics for "Blood For Blood" by Machine Head.
I tied the Slayer thing into Machine Head and felt smart because of the german I had taken. We'll stop the story there.
I see ........ I remeber the first shirts with Slayer Wehrmacht, when I was a teenager and remember that I thought it was kinda strange for a band searching such a stupid word for the purpose of music and promotion.
I love "Blood For Blood" so it´s interesting how other people relate situations to this song ........ so you and your girlfried broke up forever ?
OfficerNice said:Not much of a fan of CC without Chris Barnes. I dont have the music.
Also, I think there are some words I just don't know...like the word
for 'entrails.I never was a fan of CC but remebered they had some really ridiculous songtexts kinda vagina massacre or something like that, really weird haha .....
I was always listening to Swedish Death Metal like Entombed, Dismember, Hypocrisy etc. ....... but mostly I prefer "my" Thrash Metal Bands like Testa, MC, Exo, Forbidden and and and .....
OfficerNice said:Summer,most likely.
Hopefully he'll be too busy searching my bags for stolen beer steins to
notice lyrics
hahahahaha ...... if you need some good advice for German beer just ask me and I tell you which tasty beer you have to get the next time you´re here hehe ....
OfficerNice said:My last name is German, although, the spelling was altered at Ellis Island
when my ancestors came to this country in the late 1800's/Early 1900's...
something like that....and my father traced our ancestors roots back to
a region in Northern Germany. I dont recall the name offhand. I do know
that before the mid 1800's, my father can't find my ancestors. After talking
with other members of the family, it's the understanding that my ancestors
really pissed someone off and were on the run,changed their name and
escaped to America for safety. What's funny is I have a friend in Austria,
and she moved to a new place in Graz, I believe, and the street she lives
on is my last name, before it was altered at Ellis Island. So who knows,
maybe before Germany, my shady ancestors originated in Austria. That
means I'm directly related to Arnold Schwarzenegger. I AM THE
I´m living in the "Drei-Laender-Eck" which means the "3-country-corner" ..... in germany but directly to borders of Switzerland and Austria ....... maybe there are some relates of yours living right next door to me ..... who fuckin´ knows !?!?![]()