Dealing with frustration


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Since I spend about 95% of my time feeling like I want to kill someone, I was wondering if any of you had techniques for dealing with frustration?

So far I've tried drinking until in a blind stupor, and that has worked great, but unfortunately only lasts a few hours, and the hangover sucks.
Sorry dude, but drinking doesn't help to much. I would if I were you, go out and run, go box or just workout. Maybe it's not what you want to hear but you get a real feeling off relief when you've done it.

Working out solves almost everything. That said I'm NOT a workout freak or anything. But I walk alot with my dog and it helps me think and reflect on my daily life. Occasionally I do work out or run and it really helps.
Totally agree with you. I used to work out a lot over about 3-4 years ago, and I'm thinking this weekend I'll pop down to the nearest sports store, grab a bench and some more weights. I always loved fucking myself up while listening to pig grind.
I'm constantly fustrated, furious and angry. I find that the best way to get your anger out is to beat it out - get a boxing bag and beat the shit out of it. I get angry while I'm recording even, I just have to put my guitar down then because I could just smash it to pieces in anger :D
I just left my fries in the oven too long.




Seriously, I nearly cracked the shits and was about to go outside and smash something:mad:
It can't be healthy to get worked up over shit like that
Sex, workout, smash something or buy new gear
All of these can make you happy.
And don't be frustrated, your mixes are awesome bro.
some sort of outlet, whether its physical or just mentally stimulating...

I maintain my mates guitars for them and i find that relaxing, just a way to slip into my own world and ignore everything...

you're not currently detoxing from anything (eg. Smoking) are you??
That's where I'm currently at, and why I'm looking for a release to help the process along.

Seriously, when I get that frustrated, I take a nice brisk walk to clear my head. Although, I believe you said the temperatures are ridiculously high lately, so that might piss you off even more!!! :lol:

But, whenever possible, at least for me the solution is the simplest - get up and walk away for 10-20 minutes. Come back with a clear head and tackle the issue again.
Pushups ! Or any other kind of workout. Releases Seratonin and dopamine. If I didn't work out constantly I would probably need to be on some bi polar meds