Dear Mikael and Opeth

Of course it's not necessary to know everything about everything.
That was not what I ment...

Hey, a funny thing - and true believe it or not:
I bought my Martin 00016GT acoustic guitar (The very same Mike use
in the latest three records) in a store where Mike used to work!!!
The owner knew Mike and we talked alot. It turned out Mike wrote
material for Orchid in that very store! Anyway you can guess how
psyched I was after that! :D

I want to be you so much right now.... ):
To know a man who personally knows mikael himself..

And isn't a guitar like that supposed to cost you kinda a lot of lot of money? ^^
I guess you play pretty good to get an instrument like that

I'm not so much of an "opeth un-knower" as you've made me.
I know that Mikael is married with a child (which was a pleasent surprise!), I know of course of the bands members, including Martin Axenrot which recently joined, and martin lopez that left because angsiety attacks.
I know of opeth's and Porcupine Tree's conecction (I got to know PT through opeth).

I trully love the band and music, please don't make me a complete fool.

Again I really do understand your anger (: No harm done?

I'm going to sleep now..
Good night P: (or good day, because if it's night here it doesn't have to be night where you're at)

BTW again, It rocks for you to be at the same country as opeth. You really are a lucky man!
There aren't any native israli metal bands that I adore exept maybe orphaned land which are nice.

Oh.. Last by the way. I really am 14 ^^.. This doesn't mean you have to think I'm a total idiot O: but just for you to know.. So, for a 14 year old dood, which has been "learning" guitar for 3 weeks (I've been learning by myself, no teacher or whatsoever), what do you say about this little song I wrote?

YouTube - Everlasting Black
Nocturnal fire, enlightening the end.
My fear of darkness, remains and never mends.
Will you just stay here, to help me with my past.
Your bright face lightens, my everlasting black.

(lyrics here, link is for the song itself)

Again, good night ^^
Innocence Prevails.

I think being a fanboy is not as bad a thing as it is considered to be around here. We're enough of fanboys to be here. Those not don't bother to be regular members of their official discussion board.
Just some advice nadav, check out the official website and read the biographies and stuff. Maybe check out Wikipedia's Opeth article too. You'll find out some interesting and basic stuff which'll set you on the right track.
Just some advice nadav, check out the official website and read the biographies and stuff. Maybe check out Wikipedia's Opeth article too. You'll find out some interesting and basic stuff which'll set you on the right track.
Orphaned Land are fucking awesome.

And you lot need to give this guy a break, not knowing Opeth that well makes him no less a person as you. Give him some time.

Thx guys (: I definatley will check it out.

By the way, Do you guys have some good sites for explaining the concepts of opeth's albums? (I've looked at wikipedia but the last time I saw it had no explanation of ghost reveries concept)

And.. Please rembmer israel somtime ]: You could easily fill a whole stadium with the opeth fans you got here in israel
Ghost Reveries doesn't have a concept. Some of the songs were written for one, and it was planned, but didn't happen.

Oh.. I understood diferently.
I thought it was a concept album with several tracks which had nothing to do with it. I didn't know it doesn't count as a concept album at all..

Thx you guys sorry for being a noob.
worshipping just 1 god is already 1 too many ........

remember: we are all just people ... :p
albeit with great respect for the members of opeth ... but they are also just people ...
worshipping just 1 god is already 1 too many ........

remember: we are all just people ... :p
albeit with great respect for the members of opeth ... but they are also just people ...

Just people, who just wrote "ghosts of perdition" Which is personally making me going fucking insane right now! (: (In a good way)
Or just people which made patterns in the ivy II! The fucking awesome beutiful acoustic guitar song..

Or just people which if I will see I'll probably drop dead [:

They really are just people.. :D
Whoever said that this thread would go on way longer than it should have after Mikael posted his response is right. Dai kvar, guys.
Yup P: I know..

Opeth was my gateway to metal, and is my all time faviroute band.

I still haven't got to know to much bands, and you can say I'm kind of new to metal.

So even if I don't know to many songs (of other bands.. not opeth, I've heared all their music), I trully belive I love opeth's music just as much as you do, even without knowing all that much about all the things that surround the music itself.

Sorry for the hasle (:


Your sincerity and love for Opeth is great dude!! try to constantly visit this forum and check the past threads, people here talk about very different styles of music and you can surely find important information about Opeth and music in general in this forum...we are all mean douchebags(at least i am), but hey don't let it prevent you from visiting this place :)
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And isn't a guitar like that supposed to cost you kinda a lot of lot of money?
I guess you play pretty good to get an instrument like that

That guitar cost alot yeah! Watch a pic: - View Image
Well, actually I haven't been playing for that long... Only 4 years but my deep
interest have made me learn quickly :)

I've a couple of songs, but the only one I'm really satisfied with you can find here:

Stay tuned for more songs :)

BTW again, It rocks for you to be at the same country as opeth. You really are a lucky man!

Hehe, yeah sweden is a pretty great country. And the Opeth concert here was very cool.
Too bad it was a really small place, but Mike's mom stood on the balcony and waved to
Mike. That was fun :)

...So, for a 14 year old dood, which has been "learning" guitar for 3 weeks (I've been learning by myself, no teacher or whatsoever), what do you say about this little song I wrote?

Yeah, great effort, but listen carefully to your song, it seems
your singing is in disharmony...
Just people, who just wrote "ghosts of perdition" Which is personally making me going fucking insane right now! (: (In a good way)
Or just people which made patterns in the ivy II! The fucking awesome beutiful acoustic guitar song..

Or just people which if I will see I'll probably drop dead [:

They really are just people.. :D

yes they still are ... oh well, I remember when I was 14, I don't blame you for acting like this :p ... in a couple of years you'll learn that there was only 1 god: JIM MORRISON :p
no no, but really dude, lighten up ... it's cute to have such huge respect, which I totally share with you as I'm certainly as big a fan as you seem to be, and for a longer time already (which isn't really important), but just think that if you would meet Opeth, and you would be like this mental 14 year old kid that acts like a fangirl of some boyband, how do you think they will react? laugh at you, that's right :p like everyone else standing around you ...
so take it easy

but hey, I still understand what you're saying :rock: :kickass:
welcome to the metal-realm, it'll be a fascinating trip!!