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the reasonable answer would be, who gives a rats ass about what everyone thinks, just like the music you like and fuck off.... i'm a huge metallica fan, always was and always will be. i like Load and Reload, just not as much as the older albums. half of you stupid bastards in here agree with me, but dont have the balls to admit it, just being stupid pussy posers by tryin to get the majority of people to think they're cool. i'm a fucking Metallica fan and they are one of the most successful American bands to ever surface out of Metal. is it wrong for a band to experiment with their sound? hell no it isnt! Loomis did with his 7 string, and it turned out good... dont bash Metallica for trying something new with the Load/Reload sessions. As stated before by all current members of the band, the next album will be heavier than Load and Reload, so don't go saying that its gonna suck, because you arent Metallica, and you arent in the studio with them to know what the fuck they are doing... as for Napster goes, boo fucking hoo, the big bad 'tallica boys took away your file sharing service... NO THEY DIDNT there's better programs out there than fucking Napster. I'd do the same fucking thing if I was Metallica! Someone gives away my copyrighted music without my permission, sure i'd be pissed, it took long months for Metallica to write, record, and produce those songs. That's the only thing they have a problem with. Metallica has always allowed fans to record and trade their shows. Is that a sign that they're selling out??? hell no it's not! When Metallica goes back on tour, I can guarantee you that most everyone in here will go, and not admit it. I am one of the people that will be going to the show. I'm a member of the MetClub at the highest rate you can pay. I'm honored to be a part of the club, because Metallica is one of THE best bands in history. I respect them for experimenting, trying to give their fans a new sound. I, for one, can't wait for the next album to be released. I'm sure it's gonna be awesome! Theres my 2 fucking cents, take it or leave it, it's what I believe, and that's what many many many many other people believe, and I won't let anyone take that from me..


I just noticed the funniest part: "is it wrong for a band to experiment with their sound? hell no it isnt! Loomis did with his 7 string, and it turned out good..."

That Was Just Your Life and Broken, Beat and Scarred are the only ones that actually go anywhere. I don't see how everyone loves All Nightmare Long...that riff has to be the dumbest riff I've ever heard in my life. All the rest are just big piles of meh.

It's much better than St. Anger, I'll give it to them. It's actually less bad with every listen but never seems to cross into the threshold of "good". Again the aforementioned tracks are actually decent but if they would've released this album instead of the black album in 1991, it would've been an even bigger turd. Many people are blowing loads in their pants over this thing because it's really the best metal they've done in a long time, but if you eat shit every day for 10 years, then your least favorite food would seem all that much better by comparison.

Load was a better album and it wasn't even a metal album.