Death magnetic leaked

i must admit i'm curious to hear this... hopefully someone i know will buy it because i won't :lol:
It really isn't as shit as the last slew. The 1st 2 tracks are probably the best. Some shit, some not totally terrible...probably their best release since "...And Justice For All".

But I really don't give a fuck about Metallica these days...I would, however, trade it for the copy of "Load" I bought all those years ago.
Dowloaded it a couple days ago as well. I actually laughed a bit at the fact that I was downloading the new Metallica before its release, Fuck em. Initially better than the last 4, thats not saying much though. I think alot of us want it to be good just because of their history and influence on metal and feel bad for them for putting out a buch of shit lately. About halway thru the cd I asked myself how good would this be if it a brand new band with no history or following? Well I only listened once and have not been back, guess its not that good afterall.
It really isn't as shit as the last slew. The 1st 2 tracks are probably the best. Some shit, some not totally terrible...probably their best release since "...And Justice For All".

But I really don't give a fuck about Metallica these days...I would, however, trade it for the copy of "Load" I bought all those years ago.

agreed, I might actually buy the album myself (even though I only like 2 songs)if the quality is better because this leaked version seems like a poor rip
Friday, September 5th, 2008

The Metallica Fan Club
369-B Third Street
PMB #194
San Rafael, CA 94901-3581

Dear Metallica,

HEY! I’m one of your biggest fans! I don’t really know if people write fan letters anymore. I heard you guys are going working on a new album. Pretty awesome. Yeah, I have been reading rumors and interviews saying that it’s going to be like that missing link between Justice and The Black Album. I cannot tell you how happy I am you guys have finally decided to do that. My friends and I are really excited at the prospect of this new know... there was something we wanted to talk to you about before you officially release the album. There maybe another way, outside of this ninth record that might be a better move for you, financially and artistically speaking. I'm not talking about a new producer and a new logo. No, I am talking about forgetting making this ninth album all together and diverting the rest of your money into a time machine.

(Laughs) I know Lars is shaking is head behind you guys saying.."My dear heavens.. time travel doesn’t exist, who is this witch talking to us..burn that letter!?” Now Lars, I can assure you that I am not a witch, nor a scientist so I can not exactly get into the finer details of how to propel an object back through time. What I am is an idea man with a proposition for a valuable resource which could potentially enhance your lives as musicians.

Let me clue you into a little secret; you are a multi platinum internationally known rock band. Such notoriety generally suggests an access to anything on the planet, including time travel; but that’s not the hard part. The hard part is finding a vessel big enough for the three of you (sorry Rob). Once you’ve secured a time machine, all you have to do is go back to February of 1991 and murder your past selves. I know some of you are wringing your hands in nervous tension, but please hear me out. Murder is the only thing that will make the future right. I'm pretty sure most of you were drunk during those years so pick a good time, like early afternoon to get yourselves at your weakest point. Some of you may be worried that a universal paradox will occur when your future and past self meet each other. Let me assure you time assisted "existencide" has occurred before without paradoxes. The most important part of this crime is that you successfully frame your current producer, Bob Rock, for the murders. I know it will be hard to frame an innocent man for a quadruple homicide; but believe me, in the end it will be for the better. The end result: the Black Album will never be finished.

Now you might be thinking “wait one second fan writer with a strange knowledge of time travel; our Black Album was our most successful; Justice began our accent to popularity, but the Black Album made us household names. If we murder ourselves before the completion, then the world will never hear the genius of “Enter Sandman.”

Now this is the hardest part of my letter. To keep it short, I think all of us have pinpointed the Black Album as the turning point in your career. You may not be aware of this, but there have been studies at major universities conducted to scientifically conclude you suck. Seriously; you should see some of the reports. They are fascinating. I’ve never seen the words "badass" and "douchebag" woven so eloquently into an academic study. Normally, aesthetics are not objective, but one study found 0% of the population preferred Load over Master Of Puppets (with a 0% margin of error). Even trigonometry doesn’t have that degree of accuracy. In fact, a major study at Johns Hopkins is being published this year entitled of “The Black Album and the Beginning of Shitty Metallica.” Do not fight against science. We must sever the limb before the infection.

After the horrific incident, there will be an interest to hear what was laid down before the “Metallica Murders”. Fans will clamor for a chance to hear this album and more specially to have this album mixed by Flemming Rasmussen; the famed producer for Ride The Lightning, Master Of Puppets and ..And Justice For All. There will be a renewed interest because Flemming never tried to murder you during his tenure as producer. I specifically suggested you guys would travel to the beginning of 1991 so most of the songs would be recorded and partially mixed but not mastered. The only thing you need to do is visit Flemming Rasmussen and convince him you guys are from the future and the universe’s longevity rests on his decision to master the album. You must make convince him before you murder yourselves. You could put on a HAZ-MAT suit and visit him during the night blaring heavy metal through a walkman. Once Flemming is convinced he will wake up the next morning to the startling revelation that Metallica was murdered. Rasmussen will never speak of the incident which occured the night before, becasue you will threaten his life. After the murders, Rasmussen will remix and master the album. Elektra will release it in a reconstructed form. There will be a memorial album art by Don Brautigam, probably a new track listing, and even unreleased photography. It will be even bigger than Smile. You will be gods among the dead. People will talk about how tragic genius and how you were stuck down before the crest of creativity. 16 year old kids will fantasize about what you guys would sound like if you were not murdered by a psychopathic producer. And you know what? the sound in those kids heads will never be as shitty as what you guys have produced in the last couple of years. Your old songs will echo in the halls of eternity.

Listen, I know this hard for you to accept, but you made a bad decision, and a lot of people do not get a chance to fix their mistakes. You are certainly not the first to make such a crucial mistake for that matter. If you look back in the history of art and music, you will notice certain artists make incredibly smart choices considering their careers; choices which cement their places into the canon of music history. You think these choices are made by themselves, or they just got lucky? Ha. I am not going to give you a list, but other artists have used the resource of time travel to fix their mistakes. Some you wouldn't even expect. Let me just say that Jim Morrison's Diet Coke campaign in the early 80's with the tag line "sugar free soda really lights my fire" wasn't the most respectable choice. So now, now Metallica have the opportunity, to cosmically, make things right once again.

So in conclusion, I know you think that you are doing right by hiring Rick Rubin, returning to the old format, and really trying to reignite your past. In fact, I even heard some leaked tracks while witting this letter (shh...don't tell Lars). I was pleasantly surprised at how much i enjoyed the new songs. Ive wanted to hate you for many years and trust me you have made it easy. While this new sound is pleasing it can not make up for all of those years of pain and anger you caused me. You cannot expect to walk back into my life and pretend everything is fine. You know the only thing you can do to make this right is through time-travel-assisted-suicide. I'm sorry. I can assume atleast one of you has figured out what will happen to your future selves if you kill your past selves. Let me assure you despite your fear, it will be for the better. Usually, I support band’s evolution in sound, but not yours. I know that if you do decide to go with the time travel decision, everyone in the future will not be able to experience the alternate future you will create when you murder yourselves. This is fine, because we know in this future that our alternative future selves will be more happy and complete. We are not selfish, we only want what is best for our alternate future. An alternate future without the words "Give me fuel..Give me fire...Give me that which I desire..."


Kaptain Carbon
FAIL, is all fuckin' rock n' roll man.

Everyting is rock if you want to consider "rock" to be the term for non-classical music starting in the 1900s. Blues, rap, jazz, folk, all are "rock" under that definition. If that's your game, I can dig it. But if you consider folk and country to be two seperate genres, jazz and blues to be two seperate genres, rap and electronica to be two seperate genres, then rock and metal are two seperate genres. Folk and country and blues all overlap together as much as rock does with metal. The idea that Nokturnal Mortum and Cryptopsy are the same genre as Tom Petty and Coldplay, but Hank Williams and Woody Guthrie are from two different genres, that's nothing short of ridiculous. Metal is based around different song structures, themes, culture/tradition, techniques and tones and vocals than rock. There's at least as much unique seperation between B.B. King and Daft Punk as there is between Lynyrd Skynyrd and Disgorge. There's as much difference between Bob Marley and Eminem as there is between The Smiths or The Sex Pistols and Burzum. Rock is based around verse/chorus structure and understandable vocals, extreme metal throws that aspect out. All music has a lot of connections to other styles, but metal easily has as much unique attributes to make it the equal of blues or country as a genre.
Listening now. This really isn't that bad. Still nothing I'd ever spend money on.

Ugh...lyrics are horrendous though. :erk:
Yeah...if there was a different vocalist and better lyrics, I think I would enjoy it twice as much.
Yeah...if there was a different vocalist and better lyrics, I think I would enjoy it twice as much.

and if the drum production wasn't totally intrusive and sterile, and if they didn't insist on inserting bland streamlined groove riffs everywhere, and if they didn't keep throwing in ubermodern techniques at random like *technical* stuttering , and if they didn't keep rehashing old ideas from previous albums (often not even the good albums either) like some kind of amateur tribute band, and if they didn't try to be progressive and epic by stretching their songs out to ridiculous lengths (and i thought justice suffered from this...). and holy shit the unforgiven III is so easily the worst unforgiven it's not even funny, so predictable, note how it recycles "i disappear" among other things (a song i like more than just about anything on here, incidentally).

and yeah i know there are a few decent (if uniformly unoriginal) riffs scattered about (one sounds like it's ripped off beyond sanctorum and another off opeth haha), but even if there are 20 good riffs and i'm pretty sure there aren't that's still probably only 1 per 100, isn't this album like 4 hours long? give me the black album or load over it any day.
I'm fast finding Death Magnetic to be my favourite Metallica album if only the solos weren't such cheesy generic pattern-bound bullshit. I never thought I'd ever actually appreciate St Anger's lack of solos but they've actually pulled it off. Other than that the song writing, riffage, intensity etc is all back where it belongs. I can even forgive the cheese lyrics.
Does anyone likewise have deja vu when they listen to end of the line at 4.00? that segment sounds exactly like another song by another band, i have no idea who though