Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

Do someone know, if the vinyl version is any better ?? digital clipping might make no problems on it..or ? I think, it´s unlistenable on cd..but the songs are really great played..(except Lars Drumming)
From the Wiki..


* Rick Rubin – producer
* Greg Fidelman – mixing
* Andrew Sheps – mixing
* Ted Jensen – mastering"

The last 3 names are the ones to blame for the distortion. The producer has little to do with that part of the process (unless he really pushes the engineers in that direction), put the blame where it needs to be, if you would be so kind.

:edit: Found this online, an email response from Ted Jensen...

"RE: Death Magnetic mastering job

hide details 10:34 AM (44 minutes ago)


Thanks for writing.

I’m certainly sympathetic to your reaction, I get to slam my head against that brick wall every day. In this case the mixes were already brick walled before they arrived at my place. Suffice it to say I would never be pushed to overdrive things as far as they are here. Believe me I’m not proud to be associated with this one, and we can only hope that some good will come from this in some form of backlash against volume above all else."

For once, it sounds like the mastering engineer isn't the one who ruined the mix.
UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! I just tried to listen to it with my Grado headphones. I thought the clipping was bad before, it's unlistenable on my headphones. Get a goddamn fucking clue about how to produce an album Mr. Rubin. That sucks, I like the music... what a shame.

One reason I'm not buying it.
7.The Unforgiven III - if it wasn't for the solo, it would have been an awful song
:lol: I'm finding the solos to be the worst thing about the entire album. The cheesy repetitive pattern bullshit drags everything down and makes me appreciate St Anger's lack of solos for the first time.

UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! I just tried to listen to it with my Grado headphones. I thought the clipping was bad before, it's unlistenable on my headphones. Get a goddamn fucking clue about how to produce an album Mr. Rubin. That sucks, I like the music... what a shame.

+1, big shame. ReplayGain on the MP3s after ripping straight from the CD was -16dB which is the highest I've seen to date from any commercial release.
:lol: I'm finding the solos to be the worst thing about the entire album. The cheesy repetitive pattern bullshit drags everything down and makes me appreciate St Anger's lack of solos for the first time.

+1, big shame. ReplayGain on the MP3s after ripping straight from the CD was -16dB which is the highest I've seen to date from any commercial release.
-16db? That seems inaccurate, almost all CD's will be normalized and end up at about -0.3, and I have seen reports that some songs on Metallica's CD have an RMS value of around -3db.

RMS is a metering system that allows monitoring of average sound levels, or at least a fairly standardized interpretation of average levels, rather then peak values. An RMS level of -3db is probably the loudest piece of music ever released commercially.
Replay Gain works on SPL, not RMS. Keep in mind it works on perceived loudness and generally uses 89 dB SPL as an optimal target. -0.3 dB SPL would make an ant's tastebud of difference :)
What popular bands display more talent/write "decent" songs? They were the gateway to the world of things beyond pop music for a gigantic number of people who are now Opeth fans. You might not remember, but back in middle school/high school a lot of people pretty much just listen to what they get through their friends, not through obscure nerdy internet sites, and as a result Enslaved or whoever you are championing isn't going to be inspiring legions of kiddies to pick up the guitar and look further into metal. The metal/prog world is lucky to have metallica, and especially lucky that they've released an album this good.

Inc "wtf we dont want more fans like that anyway tehyl be UNTR00"

The good old days before the internet, how did we make it without it?:loco:
Not so bad, but I prefer something like:

Bang your head against the stage like you never did before
Make it ring, make it bleed, make it really sore
In a frenzied madness with your leather and your spikes
Heads are bobbing all around it's hot as hell tonight :headbang:

I'd go with

I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

JH wrote some great lyrics back in the day.

My initial impression of the new album is that the lyrics are his best in many years. The music is also pretty good for Metallica. If the new album was created by anyone other than Metallica I never would've purchased it.
What the fuck is wrong with the snaredrum? Are they slaming a fucking barrel against the mic?

Lars was playing his new signature drum kit.

Not so bad, but I prefer something like:

Bang your head against the stage like you never did before
Make it ring, make it bleed, make it really sore
In a frenzied madness with your leather and your spikes
Heads are bobbing all around it's hot as hell tonight :headbang:


But I think these are Hetfield's best lyrics:

Welcome to where time stands still
no one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, No windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep my friend and you will see
that dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
and cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
but violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
he's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
but they think this saves us from our hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
seems the only way
for reaching out again.

Epic song!:kickass:
I'm rather pleasantly surprised by the album. I feel like they released the weakest song as a single, actually. Maybe it's the most "commercial" or something. Plan on giving it another spin soon.
I love the album. I really don't understand what everyone is saying about the awful audio quality, but... meh, whatever. It's still their best work in 20 years.
But I think these are Hetfield's best lyrics:

Welcome to where time stands still
no one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, No windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep my friend and you will see
that dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
and cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
but violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
he's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
but they think this saves us from our hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
seems the only way
for reaching out again.

Epic song!:kickass:

:kickass::kickass::kickass::headbang::headbang: Totally agreed, but i think that The Unforgiven is pretty close to it (in terms of awesomeness)
Not so bad, but I prefer something like:

Bang your head against the stage like you never did before
Make it ring, make it bleed, make it really sore
In a frenzied madness with your leather and your spikes
Heads are bobbing all around it's hot as hell tonight :headbang:

...and one reason Kill em All makes me want to vomit.
The album sounds fine to me through a car cd player. The mp3s distort and break up, probably because of some kind of gain added during the ripping process that makes it sound like shit. The only other time I've had a cd do that is Devin Townsend's "Infinity," the explosion sounds in the first track always distort when I rip mp3s of it at any bitrate unless I set them to rip with a gain offset. :p