Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

I love the album. I really don't understand what everyone is saying about the awful audio quality, but... meh, whatever. It's still their best work in 20 years.

I assume you have only listened to it your car. If you have good speakers in your house you will hear the clipping and if you have good headphones you won't be able to stand it - trust me.

I am currently listening to the guitar hero version and it is less clipped. I can even use my Grado headphones with this version. It still clips but it is more tolerable.
I assume you have only listened to it your car. If you have good speakers in your house you will hear the clipping and if you have good headphones you won't be able to stand it - trust me.

1) Anyone who has to say "trust me" immediately loses all credibility.

2) Ignoring (1) for the moment... make sure you're not measuring the album on a downloaded version. The pre-release leaks I heard had slight artefacting typical of transcodes, though I sincerely doubt most people would have even noticed that. The actual CD doesn't sound significantly different in the car or on the laptop but sounds a fair bit better when cranked on my main system and I haven't observed any clipping as such (or at least no more so than with any other metal album).
I wish the clipping weren't there I really do. I happen to like the music a lot, it's just a shame. Hey, if it doesn't bother you then more power to you. I wish that were the case with me.

Even though the clipping does bug me, I've been listening to the cd non-stop so that shows how much I like the actual songs.
make sure you're not measuring the album on a downloaded version.

Way, way too much of a blanket statement there. You could say "make sure you're not measuring the album on a low bitrate transcode that used a low bitrate source to begin with" at the very most. Measuring the album based on mid-to-high kbps lossy formats or, of course, lossless formats like FLAC is obviously reasonable.

And the FLAC version sounds like ass.
The leak I heard was 320Kbps CBR but was a fairly obvious (through a decent sound system at least) transcode from a lower quality rip. I don't see what would stop someone from transcoding to FLAC in turn. Being in a lossless format or higher bitrate doesn't magically fill in the blanks and restore accuracy if the source is arse.

Bottom line is... the only way you'll know you're hearing it how it's supposed to sound is buy the CD (and ripping it yourself if FLAC/MP3/etc is your thing). Failing that, you really don't know where it's come from or what processes it has been through and thus really can't complain. </soapbox>

I don't consider myself an audiophile by any means but I can still hear the difference between the 320Kbps CBR leak and the retail CD, yet I can't tell the difference between my own 192Kbps CBR rip and the retail CD.
Amazing how many people can't hear the clipping. Especially on the Metallica forum. People are fucking deaf.

Aside from the horrible clipping (I have the retail CD), it's a pretty good album.

The first one is a CD version, the second from GH.
I noticed the day that never comes sounds different than all the other tracks on DM. I have gotten used to the production, but seems they used a overdriven Boost effect on TDTNC, seems the distortion is toned down compared to the rest of the album which sounds better. They probably did it because its the single. Overall im impressed with DM, its a kick ass record and the songs will sound even better live. I got my tickets for the live show on Nov 9th, I had to spend $100 to get awesome seats but the setlists have been too good to pass up.
The leak I heard was 320Kbps CBR but was a fairly obvious (through a decent sound system at least) transcode from a lower quality rip. I don't see what would stop someone from transcoding to FLAC in turn. Being in a lossless format or higher bitrate doesn't magically fill in the blanks and restore accuracy if the source is arse.

Bottom line is... the only way you'll know you're hearing it how it's supposed to sound is buy the CD (and ripping it yourself if FLAC/MP3/etc is your thing). Failing that, you really don't know where it's come from or what processes it has been through and thus really can't complain. </soapbox>

Your argument only applies to people who don't know how to compare or examine sound files in something like Audacity, or who can't audibly hear the difference between quality along the lines of 128 kbps and something more acceptable.
Something that might interest a few of you:
On comparing with the Guitar Hero mix I can admittedly hear a difference, though I still think they haven't butchered the retail CD anywhere nearly as bad as everyone is making out. I don't hear 'dynamic' but I don't cringe and hear 'clipping' either.

Listen to the album with a decent pair of headphones and you'll hear the clipping. It's not hard to miss, especially comparing it side-by-side with the GH mix. Whoever tracked the songs and prepared them to be mixed is at fault for the horrid production job on this record.