Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

I have no problem with the production of Justice. I think it has a heavier sound, and some excellent song writing.

On another note, I don't think it's much of a feat to come out with a more interesting album than Load/Reload. Even St. Anger accomplished that. Intersting because it was almost purposefully made unlistenable. Load was exactly what the title states it as, if you catch my drift.
The best sounding Metallica album, for me is the Black Album, without a doubt. It's perfect. Not the songs, necessarily, but the sound.

Justice is like the beginning of them experimenting with bad production. I don't understand the love that this album's PRODUCTION gets. Songs, yes, sound, no. It full of sucked out guitars, thin sounding vocals, and it's the start of Lars's terrible snare sounds. The bass is non-existent (which may be attributed to Jason being the New Guy) and it's really dry. Bob Rock did great things for the sound of Metallica, but I don't like how he got them writing more commercial material.

But, even with it's less than optimal sound, Death Magnetic is 100 times more interesting an album than ReLoad, for example. Good songs trumps good sound every time.

Man, no shit... I actually get thirsty just listening to Justice, it's sooooo freakin' dry and hollow sounding. I actually think that, clipping and all, even the retail release of DM sounds better. In terms of terrible production value, the only Metallica record worse than Justice is St. Anger, imo.

I don't get it. These guys have been one of the biggest bands on the planet for like 20 years now, how can they not have found someone who can produce them worth a crap yet? The black album was pretty good, production-wise, I suppose, but they really do need to keep looking.
While the production on Justice may be worse than DM, it doesn't hurt my ears listening to it. DM just sounds so..... loud. And I don't do well with loud albums.
Wow, I'm really impressed with the Guitar Hero version, but it sounds to quiet :Smug: Oh well, is better than the album version :D
I played it in my car and the car stereo some how evened out the bad production. It was barely noticeable!

Metallica's best song is still Invisible Kid though...
oOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOooOOoOOOO what a good boy you aaaaare!!!!!


That's not my point. Even at a low volume, something there just... sounds uncomfortable. But hey, if it doesn't bother you, enjoy it.

Have you listened to any of the remixes? The Guitar Hero mix is definitely better, and I found an even better one online.

You're right though, it baffles me how a band who can pick any producer they want still can't find someone who knows what to do with them.
Have you listened to any of the remixes? The Guitar Hero mix is definitely better, and I found an even better one online.

You're right though, it baffles me how a band who can pick any producer they want still can't find someone who knows what to do with them.

I admit, I haven't heard the GH version. But I don't see the point - I usually buy albums. If I download them, it's only for a few days, maybe a week before I either purchase them or delete them. If there was an option to buy the GH version, I probably would.

BTW - I really enjoyed most of Invisible Kid, except for the middle part.
The saddest day in Heavy Metal history.

That would actually be March 19, 1982 for me. But Cliff''s death definitely marked the end of Metallica's best music. I'm glad I at least got to see him once on the MoP tour opening for Ozzy in New Orleans. They were truly a machine with Cliff.