Death Metal/Douchebag-core Billie Jean Cover (5150 mkII, S2.0, my br00tal vox)


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
All credit goes to Sickan's buddy Calle for writing and recording this. All I did was do vocals and mix it. This is for Sickan and Calle's audio engineering course that they're doing and they already handed in their mixes, this is just something I've done for funz cos I wanted to.

Anyway. First time I've posted something here with real guitars in over a year, first time I've used my own re-amped guitars in a mix. 5150 mkII with like 4 blown tubes and the fizzbox.. i mean framus 2x12 with v30's.

Drums are all S2.0 apart from the kick. Which was replaced 50/50/50 with S2.0/Sample/Another sample (50/50 replacement on the kick in track, 50/50 replacement on kick group track)
Was going for a more punchy/pumpy approach with the drums here.

Bass is 4 tracks, sub bass, mid bass, twang and distortion. Various processing on each, various cabsims, mostly ryans s-preshigh. Sent to a group and eq'd and compressed for glue. Was going for something similar to Ermz' most recent mix. Nice n filthy and twangy like.

Vocals were into an AKG Perception 200, straight into my profire 2626. Compressed to fuck and a bit of EQ. Delay and Reverb and that was it. Master.mp3

this could actualy work as an new song if would no contain
the significant intro bassline and the vocals of course!

I like the overall mix. Why don't you like the Framus V30 cab...the guitars tone is good.
How did you mic it? SM57? I have the same cab and i can't get so great tone out from it. I don't have an SM57 yet. I tried with a LDC, maybe that's the problem. It had a lot of treeble/fizz even the highs are turned down, witch i dont like. And i don't have an 5150, maybe that's the main reason:)
id love if you re-amped this
i just couldnt wait to post it :D

ill run off a guitarless mix for you and gief DI's. make some space in your inbox if you havent already
took a LOT of eq to get rid of all the fizz feles, thats why i hate it so much. and yeah sm57
Sounds bitchin' dude, diggin' the drums, especially the snare (though I'm not crazy about the kick sound, but it works in the mix). Distorted vox could use a bit more presence IMO, but the clean ones sound good as well (though maybe could come up a bit). Killer performances though man, and awesome take on a classic Calle/Sickan! :headbang:
wow ;p this sounds great, bass is sick, how high you highpass guitars is there any low end in them, or all is from those bass tracks?
Nice man! I like it alot! :)

In a few intensive parts, it feels like low-mids are trying to crush my head! But that might be my bad monitors (who are not worthy of being called monitors)...
Like the drums overall, and the pumping really fits the mix.
I think your bass tone is similar to the one I got hehe :)

Oh, and did you retake some vocals?

...and awesome take on a classic Calle/Sickan! :headbang:

What do you mean by that, Marcus?! =(
Dude, I meant it as a compliment! (as in, Billie Jean is a classic, and you did an awesome take on it, meaning awesome version :))

EDIT: Oh wait, only you wrote it - so I guess awesome take on a classic Calle, forget you Sickan! (nothing but love homie :D)
I was about to post my take on the song here, but listened to the mix again and realized how fucked up my mixing environment is (I have rearranged it since I did the mix).
Thanks for the reply!
Could you tell me a bit detailed what did you cut out? With the LDC mic (Studio Project B1) i hi-pass at 10 kHz, and a cut at near 4 kHz. And my room isn't very threated, and i always suck with the hollowness(i think because of the sensitivy of LDC)

Anyway, i can't stop listening this song, br00tal, and the clean vocals are catchy. I dig the distorted bass.
yeah i cut some 300hz on the master but im thinking the midbass and low mids are generally a tad overpowering
ill wait for gregs reamp before i tweak :)
I low-passed pretty low, although i couldnt say what frequency, cos Steinberg Q seems to respond rather retardedly with that shit. 12khz low-pass for everyone else is like 16-17khz for me. A big cut at 10khz and a bit of a cut at 6-7khz or so if I remember rightly. I may have cut a little 2khz too, but I can't remember. Generally a fuckton of high cutting either way.
Dude, I meant it as a compliment! (as in, Billie Jean is a classic, and you did an awesome take on it, meaning awesome version :))

EDIT: Oh wait, only you wrote it - so I guess awesome take on a classic Calle, forget you Sickan! (nothing but love homie :D)

Ooooh! I read it the wrong way. I completely misunderstood you!
I somehow got it you were trying to say that I did a great "version in classic Sickan/Calle-style", like if I actually liked this music haha.

And yeah, I take all the credit!! :devil:
Sickan has made an awesome version thought :)
If someone wanted to hear my take, here it is.
And to clear things up, we (myself and Calle) made these versions as a tribute/parody of bands we love/hate, thereby the "Douche Metal" ;)
God I hate my monitors, I'll try to fix them asap : (