thanks for the kind words!
tours, well nothing USA so far, but there are two tours in the works for spring, gutting europe and god dethroned. will be a busy spring as i'll also be on tour between these two with my other band hehe. surely looking forward to it.
erik is a great guy btw.
we already had a few talks with mike from blast corpse promotion (death feast promoter) and there's a good chance we'll play on DF2011 too. even if not me and my boys will surely be there (just like this year), so we could definitely drink a few beers together
looking forward to that!
regarding the mix:
-took most of the drums from your files, added a few samples to kick and snare. i'm considering taking the midi and re-doing the cymbals as especially the hihat doesn't sound too good *imho*
-guitars: tubescreamer -> 5150 rhythm channel -> framus cab with vintage 30s, double miced on two different speakers. very little post processing on the guitar tone, just hp/lp and a few very shallow dips and boosts, 1db-ish. the playing was so tight that i considered ditching the tubescreamer, as the low end was pretty tight anyways. but i liked what it did to the midrange.
-bass: sansamp psa-1, with a touch of DI blended in for low end only.
-tried the ozone 4 demo for mastering this one, and i'm totally sold on it. will order it ASAP. great plug and kudos to the big man for mentioning its greatness in the dimmu borgir thread.