Death metal vocals are emotionless Yay or Nay

As long as the vocals fit with the music they never bother me, singing wouldn't work on a grind record, and growling would sound shit on a power one. Not too difficult is it.

Grindcore is mostly really extreme hardcore with constant blasting, it often has left wing political veiws as well, good examples are: (early) Carcass, (early) Napalm death, Brutal truth, Repulsion, Nasum, Pig Destroyer and Exit 13.
Necro Joe said:
As long as the vocals fit with the music they never bother me, singing wouldn't work on a grind record, and growling would sound shit on a power one. Not too difficult is it.

Grindcore is mostly really extreme hardcore with constant blasting, it often has left wing political veiws as well, good examples are: (early) Carcass, (early) Napalm death, Brutal truth, Repulsion, Nasum, Pig Destroyer and Exit 13.
Can you specify exactly what 'Left wing politicial views' these bands might put forth??
Don't think that all grind is liberal since alot of the crapper sub-genres (gore/porno grind) don't focus on this at all. But Napalm death and a few of the other leading grind bands were close in spirit to the anarchic punk scene, with scremeing liberal veiwpoints and lyrics. Carcass began their gore lyrics as a type of animal rights protest. The three founding members (Jeff Walker, Ken Owen and Bill Steer) were all vegans and their uber-gory lyrics were meant to show humans being treated like animals.
Long live grind. Long live Death Metal. Long Live Hard/Noisecore. As far as I'm concerned, these three genre's stand for nothing less than integrity, passion, and pure genius when it comes to songwriting and creativity. No other genre can make me stop and take stock to what I am hearing as much as the bands listed under the 3 sub-genres that I love so dearly. The majority of it has harsh, vomit vocals (sic) but clean vocals, when utilised with the right backing music and singer, are to me, equally as impressive. To those who don't understand, or are unwilling to comprehend the share might of these styles of extreme music, fuck off and go listen to your K-mart peddled puss bands I so dispise.