Death vocals?? how???

If you use your throat only you'll fuck up your voice real bad. The trick is to practice without using your throat, you can use your throat a little to add a more rasp, but don't use your throat only or you'll fuck up real bad. If you don't understand how to do it your best bet is to try to imitate other growlers and keeping the use of the throat to a minimum.
Do I have to come to your homes and show each of you. Maybe I could make that my job, teaching everyone how to growl, traveling around the world having conventions in giant stadiums.
Maybe I should put some commercials on tv, "Do you wanna growl, are you sick of waking up in the morning and not being able to growl like your favorite death metal vocalist...I know I was untill I tryed Darthlardos 5 step program. Just call 1-800-666-BOOB. You will recieve information like.
1. Make your neighbors think your satan.
2. How to shit sucessfully upside down.
3. Figure out how to growl by using your gut, you fuckers your gut
4. How to make lasagna.
5. And the final step, not using your fucking throat and using your gut you fucks, the gut dammit!!
and thats it just 4 1/2 easy payments of $6.66 using your Visa or Mastercard. and you to could one day be the next Elvis.
"And remember growling is from the gut not the throat and Im also a client."
I have 3 days practicing singing.
I'm old (31 years), but I think I have a good
Do you guys think I could damage my voice if
I also practice growling?
Growling is based on using your gut, if you use you throat you will damage it, if you use your gut you can do it all day long. "Take it from me, I enjoy donuts."
No, the other way around. If you try to do the growl like a ''scream from hell'' you'll fuck up your vocal chords. All you have to do is a low ''full'' sound and keeping the throat use to a minimum. Listen to these bands:

Darkane (Rusted Angel CD)
early Death
Testament (gathering era)
Decapitated (this guy has a good growl, but his style is very monotone)

Try to imitate those growlers without using your throat, keep yourself relaxed and don't do it really loud at first. Start slow and practice.