
It'll be sticky for sure, put it that way... I hope it doesn't involve eyes or spiders like...
I'm not sure how I'll go, but as I'm an atheist and don't buy that afterlife crap, I hope my exit is a dramatic one. I'd love to be eaten by a shark. There is something very noble about shark attacks. I'd hope that I'd be killed by a great white, tiger, or bull shark, though; none of these wimpy 6-foot sand sharks, please!
Hmmmm... I've thought about this one for a long time. Had a few great ideas, but I can't seem to remember them spesifically... all I know is that I had some good one's, but I can probably come up with a better one. Give me a few decades.
I'm going to get killed by nasty flu at tender age of 93. In the case I have any relatives and friends left I'm prepared to take enough time to bitch and complain 'bout everything

(some stupid internet test said that I'm gonna die at age 63 with my current habits, fuck that.)
Okay... one thing's clear to me, and has been for some time. Forgot to mention it, but I'm not going to live more than maximum 75 year. Means I have 60 more years to live... or less..
i dont know how i want to die,but before that i'll have to be sure that i've done my best for everybody i cared for and that everything i had to give i gave.i want to die remembered like.i should have written a few good books by then and done a few records.
and as im thinkin now id like to die on an old secretaire,on a white page,with a quill in my hand.
I've always been a brick in maths and physics and felt so stupid about it:( i was good in languages,ancient or not and literature tho*cough*
:lol: @ Yv Considering how much time we spend here, the chance that it happens while surfing is quite high *gg*

But however and whenever, I hope that I can die with a smile on my face (meaning: happily, feeling like done everything I wanted to do)
by the way, if this shit happens, what music would you like to hear at the last moment or at your funeral?

i think for now i'd like heart of steel from Manowar :)

Then We’ll Laugh And They Will Kneel
And Know This Heart Of Steel
Was Too Hard To Break
Too Hard To Hold