
but do you want devils shoving hot pitchforks up yer jacksie for all eternity??

just go to church once a week, eat the wafer and bobs yer uncle: eternal salvation!!
Ahh well, that i why i believe that we were created by a higher power. Everybody is defferent, noone is alike, and i think if there were such a thing as "evolution" it wouldn't have been that way. I think there is to many wonderfull things in the world and things a person can do that i think evolution wouldn't have been able to create. And everybody has its own mind own ideas and own beliefs. So if don't believe in God, it is your issue, i respect that i don't judge anybody.
a crow carries our souls to the land of the dead
But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible
sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest
Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back
to make the wrong things right.

Easy, isn't it :)
maybe we are just subscribers in an ultra-high quality mmorpg. or maybe in the future, with more advanced computers we'll be able to produce a true virtual reality and subscribers will be able to connect themselves with wires and other nasty things to feel the whole thing. then the only problem will be to slow down time, or rather our inner clock, to make events happen faster to our senses in that alternative world.

that way we could make our lives a hundred times longer. wonder if it would worth it...
Strangelight said:
"Maybe we're just a dinosaurs dream"
Peter Beigan 1984

yes, it is obvious that this dream-thingie is not a new one, even the mindless mass (in which we are not included, of course ;) ) knows it since matrix.

the fact that science is approaching the level where people can really enter into another world, is very interesting.

it would also pose hordes of questions... where you store the bodies who enjoy the virtual world, what should they pay to be a normal man/woman there, to be a wealthy man/woman, etc.

if i were a biiiig country or company, i would copyright the first virtual world and would sell lands, rights, etc. (Just like somebody bought Mars and the Moon.) though it would be a really disgusting act. :)
i'm going to become a huge pink elephant with wings and fly above you all, but you wont be able to see me cos i'll be invisible.

afterlife? :tickled: