
I'll probably die while driving my car and playing Katatonia. My funeral will be attended by all 8 people that mean something to me and vice versa. A tout le Monde will be the song that is going to be played while the casket is going down.
But I rather have it this way than having hundreds of people attending my funeral, of whom I hate most of 'm.
Stick a water hose in my mouth and spray it full blast.

Fall into running chainsaws.

Lay out a bed of high tention wire a few feet off the ground and jump off a bridge/building onto it. Or just tie the wires around my neck, waist, arms and legs, tie the other ends to the bridge and jump.

Slap a bear with a steak.

Insult George Lynch's guitar playing to his face.

Wear makeup and clothing to appear as an african-american, brandish a cell-phone or a camera to a cop and get shot about 60 times.

Park on the railroad tracks at night and take a nap.

Dress up as a pirate and break into a ninja house.

It probably won't be long before I try one of these.....
It is so lame to make those 'things to do before I die'-lists. In best case scenario you'll gonna die without knowing it so those things you didn't do won't bother you. But for most of us it's gonna be a long painful death and surely there is something you didn't have time to do. Whether it's money, morals or nice experiences you're not going to bring any of that in your grave. Why to even bother? Have a nice dying.
Manowar.... I know this guy who handles their European business, with organizing concerts and all. Bunch of old dirty men I say. Especially when Joey deMaio uses his "manly charms" to seduce some poor girl into showing her breasts. Pathetic. They never grew up, though they look old...
The big deal is that there's so much to do man! Life can be so great. Like the first time you kissed a girl, or made love to one. That's great! I dunno, I just want to be proud of myself when I'm old and grey and being able to tell a good story now and then seems nice as well. Hell, it's nice now when I have friends over to be able to talk and laugh. Most people are boring these days.
"Hey, what will you be doing this weekend" "Dunno.." End of conversation. That's boring man. Like spending too much time behind the computer. I have spent too much already behind this bloody thing. I have my lovely girlfriend waiting for me upstairs so I say goodnight to you all! And that you may have loads of dreams of things to come. Instead of waking up and asking yourself "Why did I wake up again?"
Har* said:
It is so lame to make those 'things to do before I die'-lists. In best case scenario you'll gonna die without knowing it so those things you didn't do won't bother you. But for most of us it's gonna be a long painful death and surely there is something you didn't have time to do. Whether it's money, morals or nice experiences you're not going to bring any of that in your grave. Why to even bother? Have a nice dying.
well, true, its lame to do a list. but its not lame to think it over and make it real. i think i could die today without any problems because i know who i am and what I've done and besides it always can be more, i'm satisfied. and to avoid any unexpected dying: suicide. Btw, morals and other human things are never meant to be brought to grave, they are for other people. You know, the more you can give, the more rich you become.

np: at this moment i'd choose Tears for fears' Mad world from Donnie Darko OST.. :)
i dont care whether i've accomplished my mission or whatever. i'd like to fulfill my dreams, at least!
as said, i dont wanna die unsatisfied.

but the wickedest thing would be like, to *know/feel/experience/be part of/oversee/transform/whatever* what the hell this whole concept is about, life. and death. and all in between.
risen theories about 'forgetting' what you then experience, (and pick a new option: a new life, other ppl with widely varied characters, creating opportunities) are quite plausible to me (others will probably differ, let's hear it then!).
i read it in hungarian but kind of interested thing, a conversation between a believer and a not believer baby - twins - inside the womb. "they" had such questions:

- Do you belive in life after birth?!
a: yes, we go to a brighter light to a bigger and better place
b: nonsense! Noone has ever came back after being born!

oh, and they say, we will eat with our mouth and walk on foot..
b: nah, stupid! how could it be? see, how small this place gets every day! even this cable doesnt bring enough food for us.
a: yeah, but we'll have our Mother out there..

b: Mother?! Do you believe in the existence of a mother?? Noone have ever seen her! Where is she?? Why shes not here?
a: she loves us and will take care about us. She's everywhere around, sometimes I can feel her. You dont?

i dont remember the rest, and its obviously a god-propaganda but still interesting to think about.. For me it means that we can have no fucking idea about what comes.
what are deja-vu's?
what's a near-death experience?
what about meeting a soul mate?
what is a dream?

does a tree make sound when it falls - onto the ground in the deepest of woods - when there's no-one to record it?