Deathgasm haul . . . including expert opinion on old Deathspell Omega.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
So Deathgasm got me these CDs in a quick way.

Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape (This CD goes for $25 or $30 on ebay, since it's OOP. Deathgasm had one copy left for $11!!! I've looked everywhere for this!)

Deathspeall Omega - Infernal Battles

Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors of Satan

So on their first release, Infernal Battles, I can barely tell this band is destined for greatness. They're very sinister and evil sounding, but the production is fairly muffled for a 2000 release. I'm pretty sure they're using a drum maching, at least on the first four songs. So I really don't think I'd highly recommend Infernal Battles. It's still a worthy purchase if you plan on really being a DSO fan. Some of the riffing is pretty good, but they didn't have the vision that they later had.

On their second release, Inquisitors of Satan, 2002 I believe, DSO really starts to take shape. I can definitely tell they have a real drummer, which is crucial to the DSO sound and style of modern times. The songs have a real ebb and flow to them, similar to what they start to master on Si Monumentum. Production is adequate and riffs are excellent. This is the release that definitely shows where DSO are going in the future. A definite transition album. I'd say this should be your 3rd DSO purchase; right behind Si Monumentum and Kenose. Even without knowing where this band goes from here, this would still be an excellent album.

I probably should have put all this in one of the other DSO threads, but what the hell.:loco:
Inquisitors of Satan really is a gem among all the crap "traditional" black metal discs out there! i've only heard it once, but me liking a black metal disc on first listen is usually a big hint!
I'm quite happy sticking with Si Monumentum and Kenose for now. Both are extremely demanding records and I'm going to take my time with them. I think there's a good chance we'll be talking about them in 10 years from now. I'd like to check out their earlier stuff down the road out of curiosity but right now it would just be a distraction.
JayKeeley said:
I think there's a good chance we'll be talking about them in 10 years from now.

No doubt.

I can't wait to see how this band progresses. I really parallel them to Neurosis, in that they are really started to progress in a way that other bands haven't done before. The atmosphere they can create is very unique. I know a ton of black metal albums have a ton of atmosphere, but DSO is going about it in a different way.

Black metal continues to evolve, and consequently survive, because of bands like DSO.
Nate The Great said:
Black metal continues to evolve, and consequently survive, because of bands like DSO.

Of course, yes. And the thing to keep in mind is: their music is in no way harming or turning its back to the historical bedrock of black metal, that is what makes it so respectable. I honestly fail to see the reasonning of people who argue that they suck because they sound too "modern" or "proggy" or whatever. And then you have those who call them "generic crap" (follow my gaze) :tickled: .