Decapitation.....or is it Decapitated?


Nov 19, 2001
Okay..this is a band. And there name is either Decapitation or Decapitated or something else to do with the severing of heads. Anyone ever heard of them or at least know their correct name so I can look for somewhere to hear them?
You're probably thinking of Decapitated. A young Polish death metal group that just released its sophomore album, Nihility, on Earache Records.

It's very good straight up death metal, quite technical too.

I'm sure that there are plenty of Decapitations out there too though. A name custom-fit for death metal bands! ;)
Nihility is crap... it's totally watered down... it's decent, but it has NOTHING on winds of creation..

Jayde... d/l the song 'winds of creation', and prepare to be blown away.
Yep, that's it. I read about them in GuitarOne...the answer was right across the room, but I didn't have the energy to get up at the time.
How could you not be impressed? , this band kicks large amounts of ass and Winds Of Creation has sweet ass riffage goin on, beautiful technical riffs, and if that doesn't impress you Wanderingblade could you tell me what does? cause what impresses you must be godly to me since i think Decapitated are awsome.

I just got Winds of Creation sometime ago, and I was totally blown away. This has to be one of the best CD's I've heard for a while.
the song 'winds of creation' has a really cool intro but my favourite is 'nine steps'

'Nihility' is crap compared to 'Winds of creation' but the songs work well live
The song "The First Damned" is fucking bad ass it makes my head explode from the head banging. Decapitated are the future of brutal death metal. :headbang:
Originally posted by Trapped
Nihility is crap... it's totally watered down... it's decent, but it has NOTHING on winds of creation..

Jayde... d/l the song 'winds of creation', and prepare to be blown away.

I agree. I think the vocals on Nihility were slightly better, but that was it.
I got Winds Of Creation, thanks to Z, but haven't listened to it too much yet, sounds pretty 'old school' to me, but like I said, haven't listened to them too much (getting too many CD's, too fast). Have to give 'em another try shortly.

Edit: btw, anyone know how old they are, they look really young on the back cover at least?
Originally posted by Necrobobsledder
on winds of creation i believe the youngest one was 16... but im not sure.

I thought they were all about 16 or 17 for that album. Pretty incredible when you think about it. I haven't heard any of their music, but from what I've heard it sounds quite good.
I am giving it another listen now and ignoring the singing for now, that was mainly what threw me off the last time and I have to say the playing sounds incredible, especially when you concider their age. And of course the last time I was listening to this on my shitty stereo too :rolleyes:
Sorry Z I guess you won't be getting this one from me after all :D