deep music.


Aug 14, 2006
Boston, MA
so i dipped out of metal for quite a while, and i'm just recently getting re-aquainted with my old love but i'd like some new bands to add to my collection. i'd like some thought provoking, deep, unique enjoyable music (lyrically or otherwise, being very general) that i can get lost in. something i can immerse myself in for an entire album or so.

no genre in particular, but preferably something bound a little less by genre. i could go slap in any of the hundreds of black or death metal albums i've heard a hundred times before if i wanted.
Alcest, Agalloch, Opeth...

Negura Bunget's 'OM' or 'Varstele Pamantului'.
The Ocean (I don't like them, but many do)

Though technically, anything that's not about brutality or Satan, should be 'deep' to a certain degree, depending on the person.
Make sure to listen to Rome.
They are very unusual for a metal ear, yet they are fantastic. Really amazing lyrics and they have this special atmosphere in their works, that makes their each song like a short movie you're watching.
I'm listening to them for like a year and finding out that I'm falling in love with their stuff - song by song during a year.
Just give it a few tries if it doesn't go well from the start.

PS: and also Warning.
I was on the verge of recommending Rome and didn't because they aren't metal; but I completely agree with Alina, and have to admit that they were the first band I thought of when you asked for "deep" music.
Petrychor - Dryad
VLE - Book of Illusions, Chapter I & II; Chapter III
Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness; The Acoustic Verses
Lycia - The Burning Circle and Then Dust
I like promordial is great and they are an excellent example of a perfect rec, if i didnt already enjoy them. I love each of these bands, they are the true rockers! The songs of all band is very nice and fantastic.
This thread reminds me of vagina because there is "deep" in the title.