Define nu-metal


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Are there any determining factors of the nu-metal genre? To me nu-metal means boring and repetitive riffs with some fool rapping over it, obviously a very biased definition.

The reason I ask is because it seems that many label bands such as System of a Down and Fear Factory as nu-metal, and I don't quite get that. They don't sound nu to me, but it's not like I can really explain why.

So what makes a band nu?
I think 'nu' gets misinterpreted as 'radio friendly' rock. I used to make that mistake myself. Tool and SOAD are on the radio a lot, but that doesn't make them 'nu'.

nuMetal has been described as white hip hop. The song structures have the chorus riff as the intro, the verse is a shout/rap with minimal guitars, there's always a prelude with records scratching, and then the chorus reprise with some attempt of singing. Repeat x 3.

Song complete. And no eggs!
Nu-metal (noo-met'l)

Vulg. Excrement.

Synonyms: clay, crud, dreck, dregs, dust, earth, excrement, feculence, filth, filthiness, gook, ground, gunk, impurity, loam, mire, muck, mud, mung, prut, real estate, rottenness, scuzz, sleaze, slime, smudge, smut, soil, stain, tarnish, terra firma

Nice. :lol:

I am inclined to buy into both of your defintions, they make equal amounts of sense. White hip hop though... that is excellent!
To me it's depressing lyrics about ones fucked up youth over stop and go riffing. Nu Metal is the worst talentless music ever to come out. It has absolutely no redeeming qualities and the musicianship is null.

It's like a fucking therapy session for the band, and whoever listenes to it gets dragged down into its morbid, droll, existence.

BTW: SOAD is not nu-metal! Any band that can hold a riff throughout a song from beginning to end is not classifeid as such.

Damn I feel better :O
lurch70 said:
To me it's depressing lyrics about ones fucked up youth over stop and go riffing. Nu Metal is the worst talentless music ever to come out. It has absolutely no redeeming qualities and the musicianship is null.
Word :cool:

Thank fuck that shit is unfashionable now :p
I saw Headbangers Ball last night for the first time in like 8 or 9 years. Out of around 15 videos I saw, 3 or 4 were real metal. I saw Iron Maiden, new Nevermore, Ministry, and Slayer. It was so painful sitting through Ill Nino, Mudvayne, etc.
NAD said:
Not over here! Even the "metal" radio stations play Linkin Pork all the damn time.
Bogus, dude! The mainstream 'Metal' magazines over here (that's Kerrap and False Metal Hammer fyi) have largely shifted their focus away from it now...pop punk and 'rock revolution' have had their time since...right now The Darkness seem to be flavour of the month, so there's a chance things might start looking up...
Ayeka said:
right now The Darkness seem to be flavour of the month, so there's a chance things might start looking up...
They've been getting some publicity in Rolling Stone magazine over here. As things go full circle, 'glam rock' might become retro cool. Not that I've heard The Darkness, but they look like they might be the progeny of Marc Bolan / T Rex or Ziggy Stardust which could be good for the Brits at last.

Tell me - should I buy The Darkness or not?
It might be worth tracking down the singles first...the three that have been released so far are definately the best songs (or rather, my favourite :loco: ) on the album. Get Your Hands Off My Woman is probably the heaviest and most fun of the singles.

If you can't be arsed pratting around with chart stuff, I'd say go ahead and buy the album anyway. Expect short, simple, fun party songs with the best singer in the contemporary scene. Think of it as rock music in the spirit of Andrew W.K. with some lyrical tips from AC/DC.
What's funny is that here in NY on KROck ... the local nu-metal station they started playing The Darkness ... and they are getting tons of hate mail and people calling the station calling them fags.

All these depressed nu-metal kids can't handle good ole party rock ... it is the funniest shit!
Well to add to what lurch70 said, the other thing about nuMetal is that it ALL SOUNDS THE FUCKING SAME! Every single song on the radio sounds just like the next.

And if they're not playing nuMetal, they're playing "Black Hole Sun", "Alive", or "Man in the Box" for the billionth time.