Definition of "Black Metal"


New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2008
Forgive my ignorance. I've listened almost exclusively to Opeth for the last 7 years, but I still don't know the definition of "black metal" and how it differentiates from "death metal". Mikael referred to some of his Orchid lyrics as "black metal nonsense" on the Roundhouse Tapes. I don't want to trust the Wikipedia definition.

Help me out here...
No genre has a single definition, but...

black metal generally has pretty harsh recording quality, blast beats and tremolo picking. All minor chords, ect. VENOM, Old enslaved, Immortal, 1394, Dissection, Gorgoroth, Goatwhore, Satyricon, Mayhem, Burzum.
Paganistic lyrics, norway, satanism, Corpse Paint.

Yeah but it wouldn't be particularly good bm, at least in Gorgoroth's case. Decent, sure, but not the really good stuff like Emperor, Enslaved, Mayhem, Immortal, Leviathan, Lurker of Chalice and Wolves in the Throne Room

Black metal sure ist krieg though.
Black Metal is a lot more than those bands mentioned above...
I think Dimmu Borgirs Euphoric puritanic misantrophy is black metal at it´s best...
Mayhem is absolute rubbish.
Black Metal is a lot more than those bands mentioned above...
I think Dimmu Borgirs Euphoric puritanic misantrophy is black metal at it´s best...
Mayhem is absolute rubbish.

neg. mayhem are one of the originators of the norwegian bm sound/scene. saying dimmu is bm at its best but mayhem is rubbish is pretty lol-worthy.

for trve kvlt bm:


prog/tech/etc bm:
negura bunget
(newer) enslaved
wolves in the throne room
(newer) deathspell omega

I used to listen to Dimmu all the time. Then I got completely fed up with the bullshit satanic imagery. Ok, having an image is one thing. But blowing satan in every odd verse is another. And I'm an agnostic myself.
Im not a satanist because i listen to dimmu borgir...
im more interested in the music, how its composed and what atmosphere it creates, and from that point of view puritanic euphoric misantrophy is nothing but brilliant.
And from that point of view Mayhem is rubbish, these guys are rather psychos than musicians.
Anyone wanting to get involved in black metal, don't listen to this craphole. Fucking bullshit statement. Mayhem sucks and Dimmu Borgir rules?


I agree. Saying that Dimmu is black metal at its finest is rediculous. Dimmu Borgir is much different then any other black metal band, their productions are too good :erk: most of the lyrics are cheesy bullshit. (i would prefer burzum lyrics over dimmu anyday) and uhhh....yeah....(coughs)
I agree. Saying that Dimmu is black metal at its finest is rediculous. Dimmu Borgir is much different then any other black metal band, their productions are too good :erk: most of the lyrics are cheesy bullshit. (i would prefer burzum lyrics over dimmu anyday) and uhhh....yeah....(coughs)



you are too trve
Having listened to black metal for a long time, i must admit, if you want2 fuck your brain over, listen to mayhem. They are a proper black metal band and have the original taste of black metal . They, in a way, gave form and shape to the bm genre. Having said that, i wouldn't advice anyone lto get into them, as if you take the music seriousely, you might end up blwoing your head off. Burzum is a good original bm band. Dimmu aren't great to be honest, i don't think.