
After listening to it twice, I am pretty disappointed with the new album, it is so flat, and monotonous, no tracks are really memorable, what a disappointment.

I will give it more spins before writing it off though.
Schism said:
I will give it more spins before writing it off though.

Please do. It's really a great album in my opinion, and it took about three listens before I reached that conclusion. The drums are incredible, and although Chino doesn't sound particularly good, he's still bearable.

I wish you guys would grow out of the nu-metal phobia, especially considering Katatonia's new album. Deftones are amazing, and I think some of you should really try to give them a chance instead of hating them just because they are a different style of music. If you have listened to them and don't like them, more power to you. But at least give them a chance.
Well, the latest katatonia sounds a bit like deftones (only in the guitar parts) because some songs are tuned in C.
Then, deftones are under the nu-metal act but they still not nu metal.
They are more that sad/hevy thing.....

Katatonia are the best band in the world for me. Deftones are not.but they are really good musicians.There is to take in consideration that katatonia are into the european/goth rock/metal scene, deftones are into the american/crossover scene.

This is relevant.

After all, yes Minerva sounds a bit like some viva emptiness's songs.
But some members of katatonia used to listen to deftones, I think to remember, they wrote in their profiles in the old look website.

Katatonia forever.
I think a lot of you people that dislike the Deftones have either not heard White Pony or just gave it a once over and rejected it. The Deftones are far from being just a dumb american band. I dare anyone to listen to songs like Digital Bath, Change, and Passenger and tell me those songs don't drip lots of emotions. In many ways the Deftones and Katatonia are of like minds. Both bands have singers that are heavily influenced by the Cure. Both bands try to create emotional soundscapes with their instruments. And last but not least both bands have evolved to become something more then they originally started out to be. Sure the argument can be made that the Deftones aren't as talented musically but also think about where the Deftones came from and where Katatonia has come from. The parallels between these 2 bands are astonishing and undeniable.
I've been listening to the Deftones in my teen years. One of the nu-metal bands that I can actually like. What's this guy talking about how they sound like Katatonia. They're not even close. That Minerva is one of the weaker songs on thier new album. Their new album sounds like a cross between their Around The Fur and White Pony albums and I enjoyed it. Deathblow and Bloody Cape (heavy shit *drools*) are one of the better songs on that album.
Tomasz said:
Katatonia is getting into dangerous zone as they start getting compared to some of the lesser acts that should never be mentioned on this forum.

I think this comes around to what i was saying about Katatonia veering into nu-metal territory. Loads of people are saying it, and theyve only started saying it since the nu-album (just kidding) came along.

Before anyone starts, I'm not prejudiced against all nu-metal bands. I actually like the deftones stuff, and i respect Korn because to be honest those two were there first and brought out a new sound. That is cool. What sucks about nu-metal is the simplification of riffs, fastest buck and ultra-marketing approach that its given. It truly has become just a case of major record companies finally cottoning on to a way of tapping into a scene that it wasnt previously able to. They have won the kids round, which is why you see so many like-for-like kids in coal chamber, slipknot or linkin tees. Even more telling is that theres loads of people that listen to nu-metal that seem to like boy-bands and all the r'n'b at the same time.
Whoa whoa people. What's going on here? Calm down.

First of all the deftones should NEVER be compared to KATATONIA! I have been a fan of both bands since the beginning so I really have an unbiased opinion, even though KATATONIA is my favourite of the two.

Minerva sucks, I know. The album is better than that song though. I feel that they released that song as a single because they DO NOT want poseurs and nu-metal kids listening to their music.

And...shit! I gotta go! I will finish this another time!
No one seems to mention that the beginning of Minerva, that solitary guitar line, really does sound like Katatonia. It's not so hard to admit that. I am guessing that it's a coincidience, but I dunno. I have friends that are not aware of Katatonia and, when I played them songs from Viva Emptiness, they naturally found some Deftones and Tool passages, but then that's their point of reference for this type of music. But I can see where they are coming from - Katatonia is a constantly evolving band that is actively bringing in new influences from album to album. And it's my understanding that they are "adult" enough to enjoy music for the sake of music, not automatically rejecting something because of the scene that it is associated with. I mean, come on, Jonas is a HUGE fan of the alt-country movement and it's fairly evident that he has styled some of his vocals after Will Oldham (they even named Tonight's Decision after a song on Viva Last Blues by Palace Brothers). Do you think we should start a thread where we bitch about the pervasiveness of country music in our precious metal scene? Hardly, we should be happy Katatonia are diverse enough in their interests that they can continue making challenging and engaging music instead of creating the same inbred album time and again.
foodified said:
No one seems to mention that the beginning of Minerva, that solitary guitar line, really does sound like Katatonia. It's not so hard to admit that. I am guessing that it's a coincidience, but I dunno. I have friends that are not aware of Katatonia and, when I played them songs from Viva Emptiness, they naturally found some Deftones and Tool passages, but then that's their point of reference for this type of music. But I can see where they are coming from - Katatonia is a constantly evolving band that is actively bringing in new influences from album to album. And it's my understanding that they are "adult" enough to enjoy music for the sake of music, not automatically rejecting something because of the scene that it is associated with. I mean, come on, Jonas is a HUGE fan of the alt-country movement and it's fairly evident that he has styled some of his vocals after Will Oldham (they even named Tonight's Decision after a song on Viva Last Blues by Palace Brothers). Do you think we should start a thread where we bitch about the pervasiveness of country music in our precious metal scene? Hardly, we should be happy Katatonia are diverse enough in their interests that they can continue making challenging and engaging music instead of creating the same inbred album time and again.

yeah, the problem with that is that whilst katatonia had their influences like the will oldham thing and the fact that jonas sounds not unlike robert smith from the cure on some of the older albums, they had developed their own sound and this new album shouldnt really be any different in that respect.

It is, it has taken the depressing atmospheres and played them down in favour of the nu-metal-esque stuff like the part in "ghost of the sun" where he plays up the angst a bit (i trusted you/ you lied etc) but makes it a bit more manly by swearing, and then it repeats the passage but with heavy guitars and some distorted vocals in the background, just to highlight the angriness. One thinks of Linkin park straight away. simple as.
valafar said:

deftones is easy-listening feeling-less american alterno' NU metal

katatonia is deep, twisted, emotional, inspired european dark metal with some alterno, NU touches...FAR BETTER THAN DEFTONES!!!!!

I gotta disagree. The fact is, the deftones are better musicians, even though they veer on the slightly commercial side. this is more to do with every other nu-metal band ripping them off than them being rip-offs themselves. Can anyone think of a band that the deftones ripped-off?

Their drummer is awesome too. pure talent. and the vocalist despite having a love-it or hate-it style, has a really good range and dynamics.
Cant say that about Jonas, even though i like his voice
Now I´m not really an expert but I´ve got to disagree here! Are Deftones really better musicians? I don´t think they are. I´d appreciate it if you could give me some examples where they really excel performance wise? But I know Jonas is a better singer and though Chino has some dynamics mostly scream/whine (and i´m not putting him down for the whine part but he sounds like that, and I like it for the most part) his range is really not that impressive.
What I find so great about Katatonia is that they have released all those greatly varied albums and still have their signature sound, which in my oppinion has gotten better and better and Jonas has really improved as a singer.
Mayh said:
Now I´m not really an expert but I´ve got to disagree here! Are Deftones really better musicians? I don´t think they are. I´d appreciate it if you could give me some examples where they really excel performance wise? But I know Jonas is a better singer and though Chino has some dynamics mostly scream/whine (and i´m not putting him down for the whine part but he sounds like that, and I like it for the most part) his range is really not that impressive.
What I find so great about Katatonia is that they have released all those greatly varied albums and still have their signature sound, which in my oppinion has gotten better and better and Jonas has really improved as a singer.

Erm, I just listened to the whole of White Pony, and i have to say my linkin argument should have been redirected at deftones. Check out "Digital Bath" if you want some eg's as to a good dt's song and at the same time a good eg of how katatonia sound a lot like them rhythmically and guitars-wise on the new album.

The drums at the start of that track are tight as fuck, and they hardly ever sound stupid when they swear..

I thought "knife prty" is a great example of what they're capable of and also again how katatonia seem to have borrowed.. I might change my mind on this one as i'm listening to this as i'm typing, but it seems to be falling into place pretty quickly.