No one seems to mention that the beginning of Minerva, that solitary guitar line, really does sound like Katatonia. It's not so hard to admit that. I am guessing that it's a coincidience, but I dunno. I have friends that are not aware of Katatonia and, when I played them songs from Viva Emptiness, they naturally found some Deftones and Tool passages, but then that's their point of reference for this type of music. But I can see where they are coming from - Katatonia is a constantly evolving band that is actively bringing in new influences from album to album. And it's my understanding that they are "adult" enough to enjoy music for the sake of music, not automatically rejecting something because of the scene that it is associated with. I mean, come on, Jonas is a HUGE fan of the alt-country movement and it's fairly evident that he has styled some of his vocals after Will Oldham (they even named Tonight's Decision after a song on Viva Last Blues by Palace Brothers). Do you think we should start a thread where we bitch about the pervasiveness of country music in our precious metal scene? Hardly, we should be happy Katatonia are diverse enough in their interests that they can continue making challenging and engaging music instead of creating the same inbred album time and again.