Deicide videos


Sep 20, 2003
Ok who thinks deicides label should have them do a killer video like metallica did live shit binge and purge? I think if they did a sold out show like that with all the jazzy effects it would be the most memorable video around! Deicide kills metallica in talent by a long shot so why the fuck arent these guys gettin any REAL recognition? I dont get it. These guys are talented as fuck! Come on guys get with the program, bands like Deicide are the real deal when it comes metal, Pantera sucks, James hetfield sucks and Dave mustaine should have been dead already! Get with the program biased media and go with the underground. I am sure most will disagree with me when it comes to deicide doing a video or mabey not ........but if a album like When Satan Lives sounded the way it did imagine them on a larger scale with more lights effects and even more crushing sound and Glens growls all over the fucking ARENA! No one will be same again! What do you all think? Should they come out with a live video like metalilca did or no? I think they should.
I've read a few interviews with Glen where he talks about how they have been contacted about playing with bands like slipknot but it never seems to go through. As much as i dislike slipknot i would still love to see them open for a big time band in an area especially becuase they are clearly better than slipknot. I think it would be cool if death metal were more popular but then again it could turn out pretty bad so i'm not sure.
I think it's clear as to partly why Deicide haven't done a video - too fucking heavy. Can you imagine them on NTV, Kerrap or whatever? Way too brutal for the weiner kids. Deicide doesn't really translate into that commercial formula, though I can't say I'd complain if this new video gets them recognition and success. Rather them than those bloody emo bands...
But Morbid Angel always make vids, as do many brutal bands. It's probably because Roadrunner were too tightarsed to pay for one, but now that they're on Earache they're finally getting one done. Cool. Deicide video is now streaming on Earache