deliverance/damnation /waterside park

I suggest ordering them from Barnes & Noble or Amazon.


If you buy and download the albums from iTunes, or some other music download store, the audio quality will be shit. It may not make much of a difference when you are listening to it on an MP3 player, such as an iPod, but through a quality sound system, the songs will sound terrible.

Just order the CDs... :)
Thanks for the advice, I was looking at the amazon uk site, the does indeed have everything. I recon it is better to have the cd's. I like to look at the inserts and sleeve.
Cheers, if they are 1/2 as good a 'Ghost Reveries' or should I say 'roast Reverse', then I will be one happy bunny :)
Man, I went to best buy and all they had was GR and D/D. No BWP, no Still Life, no MAYH..just those three. No Death, one copy of Hypocrisy's Virus left, etc.

Point: Retail stores blow for death metal (although BB did have quite a few Morbid Angel discs, I know Alters and Gateway were both there). you're better off looking on ebay.
Ken Lyall said:
I'll get on to iTunes, ta MixGrafix, much appreciated.
Powers, I live in Aberfeldy, Scotland.

Now that I was not expecting. If you lived out in the sticks like, I don't know, the Gobe desert for example, then I'd be like "Yea I can understand" but Scotland? Where's your closest major city?
Depends on what you can major!
I guess Edinburgh is 80 miles/Glasgow 90 miles away. Not far really, maybe I'm just a lazy git.
Aberfeldy is considerered 'out in the sticks' though. It is right slap bang in the middle of the Country,10 miles from the nearest trunk road.