Deliverance -the song


Oct 19, 2004
It's commmon knowledge that Deliverance is about a guy who drowns a lady, and then looses his salvation. However, I understand that Mikael's lyrics were very personal, and I'm positive he's never drowned anyone. So I wonder what the deeper meaning is to this song. Mikael's lyrics have a deeper meaning below the surface. Anyone know, or have any ideas?
The most important thing about this is, that the song A FAIR JUDGEMENT might go on with the story of DELIVERANCE.
The devil guides the way since he crept up the caverns of his brain. He kills the girl, drown her. As the final light of sikcness is snuffed, there is a judgement waiting for him.

Maybe the person who is killed was loved by the murderer, and was killed because it was not possible to give him what he wants. In hate he kills her. Well its not him, its the devil/some evil urge/his pain/.... As he is awakening from this misted state of mind his reason realizes that he "Lost control, moved out of the role".

I thought a lot about this, sorry i havent time now to tell my thoughts. I was asking me wether Deliveracne may be an unofficial concept-album, but i havent looked at Wreaths lyrics enough.

Have fun \m/
Yeah you've really got to stare into the deep to *get* Deliverance.
It sounds like fuscous, dark thane, and 3 toed sloth had some good ideas. I thought this song may be simply acknowleding that there's an evil presence in the world and people who commit violent acts are somehow "possessed" by it (the devil guides the way, tells me what to say, pours himself inside...). Any other ideas?
Could be about a lot of things...a sort of wish to kill someone, hate and all that, or that in this relationship someone smothered the other, or going into a relationship with someone just to hurt the other one....