

Oct 18, 2004
I read in a review of the Deliverance album that keyboards and mellatrons were used in places. The only thing that I have heard, was the piano on a fair judgement. Were there mellatrons used on other songs as well?
on by the pain i see in others there was a waltz thing in the middle where its soft. and i think there maybe some weird effect stuff goin on as well. i cant remember if theres a bit on masters apprentice on the quiet part. i dunno i aint got the album to listen too.
shit thats I was scrolling down this thread I thought to myself, "hmm omg it would be so funny if I said mellon-tron as opposed to mellotron omg"...then I thought "it would be even funnier if I got a picture of a guy from tron and put a melon on his head"....this was all before I saw posts 8 and 9 and went, "woah". Aparrently we're all on the same demented level of thought
oh wow, i didn't know he asked you to take it down haha, that's why eveyone left SOT to make SOT2, cause he didn't want gay images in peoples everyone had homosexual sigs and avatars, and then he was getting really fucking pissed, and everyone left, and now SOT is shit. it was funny.