Deliverence VS BWP (the songs)

hmm thats hard for me to answer song by song...its a toss up i suppose, but ill have to wait a while to really say...shit i dont even have the real copy of deliverance yet. nobody has it around detroit! bastards...
bwp has clean vocals too... deliverance is more repetitive and motonous... but it does have a direct drive, and it's darker and heavier, which is always a plus. but the songs don't flow as well. and i don't know what the title track is all about but they could have done better with a lot of the movements. easy for me to say, since as a musician i probably couldnt, but hey what's life without pointless idealism? the vote says BWP beats D. on both counts, individual songs and as a whole, but not by a hell of a lot.
BWP doesn't not have clean vocals. Good lord people, he asked if you prefer Deliverance (the song) or BWP (the song). I think maybe 5 people actually answered his question.

BWP definitely for me.
BWP totally kills the song Deliverance. no question. i remember when i first heard BWP i stuck my cd player on 'repeat track' for like an hour

come to think of it, i think the song BWP offers almost as much ingenuity as the entire Deliverance album does.. not to discredit deliverance.
Unfortunatly, the thread post can be taken to mean either the names of the songs or all the songs on the album. I hate the semantics of the English language. I, however, think that Deliverance is better as a song.
Oh. I thought he meant.. like song by song. Which I guess doesn't make a lot of sense sinc ethat's basically comparing albums.

Well, my post still applies, then. Deliverance is deeper and prettier, BWP makes me want to jump around and hit people. I can't decide.
Song: "Deliverance"

I consider both songs to be among my favorite Opeth songs so this was kind of tough. Even though I've only heard "Deliverance" 5 times or so I'd say I enjoyed it more after those 5 listens then I did with "Blackwater Park".

Album:Blackwater Park

From top to bottom I think it's the best Opeth album. Also, with the addition of the two acoustic bonus tracks on the limited edition copy it's even better. Although I like Deliverance a lot, it didn't make my jaw drop like BWP and SL did.