Democratic plan to abandon our troops

Who thinks Hearless_Name should go away?

  • I Do! The only thing dumber than his posts is that Wierd Al hairstyle.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • He needs to go. He can come back after puberty.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Let him stay. His ignorance is amusing.

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 7, 2005
New York

We've known all along that they want to cut and run before the job is done. But they've been afraid to confront President Bush directly. Today, Democrat Rep. John Murtha let slip what he and Nancy Pelosi really intend to do, and it is genuinely frightening.

They call it their 'slow-bleed' plan. Instead of supporting the troops in Iraq, or simply bringing them home, the Democrats intend to gradually make it harder and harder for them to do their jobs. They will introduce riders onto bills to prevent certain units from deploying. They will try to limit the President's constitutional power to determine the length and number of deployments. They will attempt to keep the Pentagon from replacing troops who rotate out of Iraq. They may even try to limit how our troops operate by, for example, prohibiting our armed forces from creating and operating bases in Iraq.

'Slow-bleed' is exactly the right name for this incredibly irresponsible and dangerous strategy. Cutting and running is bad enough. But the Murtha-Pelosi 'slow-bleed' plan is far worse. It is a cynical and dangerous erosion of our ability to fight the terrorists while we still have men and women on the ground in Iraq. It will put their lives in far greater danger, as resources slowly dry up. How can our troops operate without bases? How can they fight without backup?
We've known all along that they want to cut and run before the job is done. But they've been afraid to confront President Bush directly. Today, Democrat Rep. John Murtha let slip what he and Nancy Pelosi really intend to do, and it is genuinely frightening. They call it their 'slow-bleed' plan.

Gutless swine, the lot of them! I wouldn't mind slow-bleeding each one.

Instead of supporting the troops in Iraq, or simply bringing them home, the Democrats intend to gradually make it harder and harder for them to do their jobs.

I smell mutiny in the air...

They will introduce riders onto bills to prevent certain units from deploying.

Fine. Let them not deploy in Iraq but in Washington!

They will try to limit the President's constitutional power to determine the length and number of deployments.

Then the president shall have to use his constitutional authority to keep them in place. LET them impeach him. That will make Dick Cheney provisional president while Bush is on trial, and he'll make sure the troops get what they need!

They will attempt to keep the Pentagon from replacing troops who rotate out of Iraq. They may even try to limit how our troops operate by, for example, prohibiting our armed forces from creating and operating bases in Iraq.

Not surprising. Interfering and complaining is their way of "solving problems."

'Slow-bleed' is exactly the right name for this incredibly irresponsible and dangerous strategy. Cutting and running is bad enough. But the Murtha-Pelosi 'slow-bleed' plan is far worse. It is a cynical and dangerous erosion of our ability to fight the terrorists while we still have men and women on the ground in Iraq. It will put their lives in far greater danger, as resources slowly dry up. How can our troops operate without bases? How can they fight without backup?

The Army has hundreds of thousands of proud troops who are being stabbed in the back by the socialists in Washington. Who thinks any of them appreciate the asinine lip service their being paid by these rich traitors??

Clearly, the time will soon come when right-minded generals will heed to the rage building inside their betrayed troops, and will have to simply march into Washington, seize control of Congress, shut it down at bayonet point, lead Pelosi and Murtha and the other traitors out of that building in chains, and force the "darling grandmother" and her "ex-marine" comrade to confess their crimes against the US Armed forces while wearing orange jumpsuits in Guantanamo!

"OVERTHROW the 110th Congress!" shall be the chant of the 81st Airborne as they paratroop onto the Mall, and fire live rounds over the cowed heads of lounging hippies.

They're askin for it... Elections for the 111th can begin immediately after ALL incumbents are removed from their positions and their salaries and pensions are revoked.

Excellent point about Cheney. He is the reason I voted for Bush the 2nd time. If they do try to impeach GW, I would be real confident in Dick.

We've known all along that they want to cut and run before the job is done. But they've been afraid to confront President Bush directly. Today, Democrat Rep. John Murtha let slip what he and Nancy Pelosi really intend to do, and it is genuinely frightening.

They call it their 'slow-bleed' plan. Instead of supporting the troops in Iraq, or simply bringing them home, the Democrats intend to gradually make it harder and harder for them to do their jobs. They will introduce riders onto bills to prevent certain units from deploying. They will try to limit the President's constitutional power to determine the length and number of deployments. They will attempt to keep the Pentagon from replacing troops who rotate out of Iraq. They may even try to limit how our troops operate by, for example, prohibiting our armed forces from creating and operating bases in Iraq.

'Slow-bleed' is exactly the right name for this incredibly irresponsible and dangerous strategy. Cutting and running is bad enough. But the Murtha-Pelosi 'slow-bleed' plan is far worse. It is a cynical and dangerous erosion of our ability to fight the terrorists while we still have men and women on the ground in Iraq. It will put their lives in far greater danger, as resources slowly dry up. How can our troops operate without bases? How can they fight without backup?

The terroists you need to fear are plotting sinisister ways to kill mass quantities of people and they far and few between.......and they are in houses and apartments in Europe, Pakistan, Africa, some quiet areas of the middle east, and mabe even America, but they are not on the streets of Baghdad fighting US Marines.....So what does it matter if we are there or not....
So what does it matter if we are there or not....

The whole point is to keep the spoiled rotten, limp-wristed, noodle-necked Roth IRA-dependent "Don't touch Social Security, its all MINE!" Baby Boomers from delivering us into the pit of disgrace and weakness like they did when they were lazy, unwashed hippies in the summer of 1968.

This time, any soldier who experiences being spat upon by either a greying hippy or a gen-Xer hippy-wannabe, has my permission to open fire and scatter that traitor's brains all over the crowd of bystanders.

No more disgrace.

No more dishonor.

No more hippies.

No more baby boomers!

The whole point is to keep the spoiled rotten, limp-wristed, noodle-necked Roth IRA-dependent "Don't touch Social Security, its all MINE!" Baby Boomers from delivering us into the pit of disgrace and weakness like they did when they were lazy, unwashed hippies in the summer of 1968.

This time, any soldier who experiences being spat upon by either a greying hippy or a gen-Xer hippy-wannabe, has my permission to open fire and scatter that traitor's brains all over the crowd of bystanders.

No more disgrace.

No more dishonor.

No more hippies.

No more baby boomers!


We are in Iraq to spite Hippies?....Sweet....Now theres a cause I can get behind...
We are in Iraq to spite Hippies?....Sweet....Now theres a cause I can get behind...

Fuckin A, man!

I mean, in the spring of 2003, I was like, "Say that again? WMDs? Is that new computer file format?"

But if George W. had given "Spite the old Hippies" as the excuse for invading Iraq instead of WMDs, I'd be like "Yeah, baby! YEAH!"

Hey fah-Q and Jurched,

Why don't you guys do your patriotic duty, and volunteer to go to Iraq and fight for our freedoms? Show us cowardly hippies how real Americans have the balls to walk the walk, instead of just talking the talk.
Hey fah-Q and Jurched,

Why don't you guys do your patriotic duty, and volunteer to go to Iraq and fight for our freedoms? Show us cowardly hippies how real Americans have the balls to walk the walk, instead of just talking the talk.

That's the best you can come up with? What the fuck!

This is a goddamned internet forum, asshole! "Talkin the talk" is what this place is all about!

Geez, what a retard...

I can badmout hippies, traitors, baby boomers, and YOU, all day long without breakin into a sweat.

Hey fah-Q and Jurched,

Why don't you guys do your patriotic duty, and volunteer to go to Iraq and fight for our freedoms? Show us cowardly hippies how real Americans have the balls to walk the walk, instead of just talking the talk.

You don't know me or my past. Sit down, shut your cock-holster and pay attention. You're just another talking cunt who points fingers when they can't add to the conversation at hand.
Why do you call yourself Dr. Teeth anyway? Is that a nickname they gave you in prison 'cause you were a little too eager? Could it have derived from you having no teeth? A mouth that is sans-teeth (when hygiene isn't the issue) is usually caused by a big mouth.
You don't know me or my past. Sit down, shut your cock-holster and pay attention. You're just another talking cunt who points fingers when they can't add to the conversation at hand.
Why do you call yourself Dr. Teeth anyway? Is that a nickname they gave you in prison 'cause you were a little too eager? Could it have derived from you having no teeth? A mouth that is sans-teeth (when hygiene isn't the issue) is usually caused by a big mouth.

WOW, lol
You don't know me or my past. Sit down, shut your cock-holster and pay attention. You're just another talking cunt who points fingers when they can't add to the conversation at hand.
Why do you call yourself Dr. Teeth anyway? Is that a nickname they gave you in prison 'cause you were a little too eager? Could it have derived from you having no teeth? A mouth that is sans-teeth (when hygiene isn't the issue) is usually caused by a big mouth.

Wow, you're a sassy one, aren't you?
To get a reaction like that, I must have said some truth.
Admit it... you ain't got the balls for military service during wartime.
As I stated earlier, less talk-more walk.
And while you are over there, please post some pictures of the glorious progress being made in that oil drenched hell-hole.
We would all love to see it.
It is a cynical and dangerous erosion of our ability to fight the terrorists while we still have men and women on the ground in Iraq.
Who exactly are the "terrorists" that are causing so much trouble over there, anyway?
Is it the Shiites or the Sunnis? Are the rabble rousers plotting to destroy Western cities, or are they just continuing an age old grudge against each other.
The troops seem to be getting killed when they get in between the two ethnic groups. Everybody is throwing the generically diabolical term "terrorist" around, but nobody can say, exactly, who they are.

You're a clever man. Unlike the average name-calling blowhards that usually post here (ehem..SuenC..ehem), you have a pretty tight grip on the state of the world affairs.
So throw us some knowledge with a nuanced description of who we are supposed to be fighting against or what we are fighting for. You always have something interesting to say.

When Iran takes the side of the Shiites and Saudi Arabia takes the side of the Sunnis, who do think will eventaully become the the new government of Iraq?
I think a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia over Iraq would be the best throwdown the Middle East has ever seen.
It would be better than Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock in Wrestlemania.
Wow, you're a sassy one, aren't you?
To get a reaction like that, I must have said some truth.
Admit it... you ain't got the balls for military service during wartime.
As I stated earlier, less talk-more walk.
And while you are over there, please post some pictures of the glorious progress being made in that oil drenched hell-hole.
We would all love to see it.

You did strike a nerve. It is misguided, mouthy, spineless, lonely, pathetic, know-nothing, talking cunts like yourself that are tearing apart our country.
Who's to say you aren't protesting the war because you are a bed-wetter that's too chicken shit to fight for their country? You would probably rather let yourself get fucked in the ass than fight for anything. On the net though, you're a different person. Nobody knows who you are so, you can say whatever you want, without fear or accountability. The truth is, you have a life sentence. Every single day, you have to wake up and look at yourself in the mirror. Reminded on a daily basis that you have done nothing, are nothing and stand for nothing.
"If you're for the war, go join the military" is a weak and ignorant take. That is about the equivalent of me saying "If you're not happy with the current administration, move out of the country!" Will you be moving anytime soon? I didn't think so. The walls are paper thin and you sometimes hear the man of the week pounding away at mom's "meatloaf" but...Mom doesn't charge her baby boy for staying in the extra room in her trailer, does she?
Our government is a travesty, on both sides of the aisle.

The fact is, Shinseki already denounced the plan as it was in the works because we wouldn't have enough troops on the ground for the protection of resources, cities, etc. from insurgents. What happened? Rumsfeld fired him and got a "yes-man" in there. Now, in a sense, over 3,000 troops have died over the past three years before this "administration" could swallow it's pride and admit that it fucked up. And in the end, what did they do? Bolstered the troop count, although it's still not nearly enough. Iraq needs no less than 250,000 troops on the ground to clean up this mess, and they could've had it at the beginning but our fearless leaders fucked it all up. Now we've got a palsy 20,000 extra troops on the ground for protection, when we could've had 120,000 more at the beginning. The American people don't trust the prez, so he's gonna have to fight for whatever he gets. In a nutshell, they fucked up and it's three years too late to fix it. This troop bolster is a band-aid, not a fix. Do you really think that 20k troops is going to fix everything?

On the other hand, the dems...well...they're dems. Equally worthless and clueless.

The Republicans are morons and the Democrats are spineless pussies. Yeah. The US government definitely needs an enema. How can they look at the American people and still spout off how great life is in the US when politicians will sell out their own military for popularity and the other side will straight up abandon them? I hope they all die in a fire.
A-FUCKING-MEN. Let natural selection take it's course.

A natural selection reference? You are assuming that you possess any favorable trait that should be passed on. You are also assuming that you could find someone willing to lay down with you.
Our government is a travesty, on both sides of the aisle.

The fact is, Shinseki already denounced the plan as it was in the works because we wouldn't have enough troops on the ground for the protection of resources, cities, etc. from insurgents. What happened? Rumsfeld fired him and got a "yes-man" in there. Now, in a sense, over 3,000 troops have died over the past three years before this "administration" could swallow it's pride and admit that it fucked up. And in the end, what did they do? Bolstered the troop count, although it's still not nearly enough. Iraq needs no less than 250,000 troops on the ground to clean up this mess, and they could've had it at the beginning but our fearless leaders fucked it all up. Now we've got a palsy 20,000 extra troops on the ground for protection, when we could've had 120,000 more at the beginning. The American people don't trust the prez, so he's gonna have to fight for whatever he gets. In a nutshell, they fucked up and it's three years too late to fix it. This troop bolster is a band-aid, not a fix. Do you really think that 20k troops is going to fix everything?

On the other hand, the dems...well...they're dems. Equally worthless and clueless.

The Republicans are morons and the Democrats are spineless pussies. Yeah. The US government definitely needs an enema. How can they look at the American people and still spout off how great life is in the US when politicians will sell out their own military for popularity and the other side will straight up abandon them? I hope they all die in a fire.

While I don't agree with everything you wrote. I don't think it is too far off. Good post.